Update failures lead to multiple issues

Roon Core Machine

Roon Nucleus with a 4tb internal ssd

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Ethernet connection to network from Nucleus. Google nest Wi-Fi with a Motorola cable modem.

Connected Audio Devices

BlueOS Node
Naim Unity Atom
ropieee / Rasberry Pi
PS Audio Directstream DAC
Brooklyn Bridge DAC
Apple HomePod
Apple TV 4K

Most are connected via Wi-Fi, the Directstream DAC via Ethernet

Number of Tracks in Library

25141 tracks

Description of Issue

Tried updating to 1.8 build 923 from build 918 last night. The update failed and continues to fail when I retry. Retrying shows the download progress bar, but it fails to advance past 0% completed.

I control the server from an iPad and an Apple iMac. Both devices show that they have been updated to build 923.

Since that update attempt, music from Qobuz fails to play. Selecting a Qobuz album, pressing “play now”, shows the album is playing, but there’s no music and the progress bar at the bottom of the screen fails to move off the 0 seconds played mark. Pressing pause seems to work. Note that Qobuz music plays properly using the Qobuz app instead of Roon.

There are also issues with album art. No artwork at all for anything from Qobuz, and many of the albums in my albums list fail to show artwork. At one point, no art work was showing, but clearing the cache, and cleaning up the library resulted in a dozen or so first albums in the albums list showing up, but only those first albums. The bulk of the list shows no artwork after that.

I’ve tried rebooting several times. Powered off a few times. Fully stopped the controlling apps and restarted them. All to no avail.

This server configuration has been running for a few years now, with no problems to speak of. Very recently I added the Ropieee extension, which had been working well, and still seems to work for local library files excepting artwork for those albums that don’t show artwork.

I’m out of ideas guys, and would appreciate any help you can provide. Thanks in advance, —Steve Gross

Do you have Backup?

If you do, maybe just install from scratch and do a Restore?

@support, the database hasn’t changed and a prior Backup should be able to be Restored?

Thanks XXX. I appreciate the suggestion. It’s definitely a possibility. I’m hoping support will have a few other suggestions before I need to go there though.


Hey @Stephen_Gross,

Thanks a bunch of sharing this with us. We’re sorry about the trouble :pensive:

@xxx has suggested exactly what we would have. The fastest and most efficient way to do so is to navigate to the Web UI and click on Reinstall. This is a non-destructive action:

Thanks for the suggestions. They’re always appreciated.

I’ve been through this a bit now, and the results are rather mixed at best.

First, the reinstall worked and updated the software to the most recent build. It was pretty painless. Thanks.

Unfortunately, that didn’t resolve the problems I was having (excepting of course the repeated failure to update). I was still missing most of the artwork, and Qobuz was still failing to play any tracks or retrieve any artwork.

Next I reset the database and settings from the web interface. The reset was successful, and it cleared up the artwork problem for local files in my library, but I lost an awful lot of tweaking that I’d done over the last few years. Also, the Qobuz playback/artwork problem still persists.

Finally, I tried restoring from each of my10 backups that dated back to mid February. Every one of them failed to restore.

So, now I’m stuck with Qobuz difficulties and a lot of library editing in front of me. I also lost a long favorites list that has been created over the years that I often listen to in shuffle mode. There were hundreds of tracks marked as favorites that have to be located and remarked — assuming I can remember them all. In future, I will be keeping a much longer backlog of backups. I’m assuming (possibly incorrectly) that they won’t restore because they were corrupted somehow, but shouldn’t there be some kind of check done during the actual backup to verify that the data being backed up can actually be restored? Or perhaps there already is such a check, and I’m overlooking something?

Anyhow, now I’m looking for suggestions for how to resolve the Qobuz problems. FWIW, Qobuz works fine outside of Roon so this seems to be a Roon problem, not a Qobuz thing. Unless, of course, they changed an API or something on their end — though I’d expect more than just I would be affected if they had.

As always, any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance,

This is truly disturbing if the Restores of Backups performed in February failed because of corruption. That was all supposed to have been resolved.

@support will probably (or should) be asking for a dump of one of your failing Backup files, so don’t delete anything.

As to Qobuz, judging by your previous posts, I’m thinking you have already logged out and back in to Qobuz from within Roon.

Condolences on your loss. Unforgivable on Roon’s part to keep presenting customers with problems like this.

In the event that anyone is following this because of similar issues, I seem to have uncovered the Qobuz problem. After unplugging my Rasberry Pi (a very recent addition) which was running Ropieee and serving as a Roon endpoint, disabling the Roon extension for the device, restarting my WiFi network, and rebooting the Nucleus, the Qobuz problems seem to be gone and Qobuz is now streaming through Roon. Fingers crossed that this did the trick…

Thanks again to XXX and support for their help, —Steve

Hi @Stephen_Gross ,

Thanks for the update here! It does also look like your Nucleus took the update, it is reporting that it is on the latest build at the moment. If you see any further issues, please do let us know, thanks!

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