Update function within Roon


I am still using 1.7 and want to stay that way as long as possible.

My only problem is that I have build 610 on the 64bit server and build 511 on a client. Can’t seem to find the 610 32bit installer anymore.

What happens to the client, when I press UPDATE in the client. Will it update to the next 1.7 build, or will it force 1.8 and up on me?

I am quite convinced you will get the very latest update, so if I were you, I would not press the button if it works for you now.

Almost certainly it will install V 2.0 , there is an option to install 'Legacy 1.8"

I concur, don’t press the update until you have to, if you’re happy at the moment, There be dragons!


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Thanks so far - I am tempted to try it on a separate machine, though. Just need to clear the needs of backing up and rolling back. I still have all the installers for my current state. From within Settings-Info the client can be updated seperately from the core, it seems. Hope that’s as it looks.

OK, tried it in a virtual machine (hint: this dll helps to get around the OpenGL problem in a VirtualBox machine)).

You were all correct - the update command jumps it to Roon 1.8.

Case closed.

If anybody can get me the 32bit installer for 1.7 build 610 - please let me know!