I really would like to focus on my entire library, that means Roon and Qobuz (playlists, songs, albums, etc). Now i can only focus on eather songs or Albums. I realy want to include the playkists of Qobuz too. This is not posiible now. I want to make a focus on my entite library and not only songs or Albums. In this way i can for example make a tag wit my entire Hip Hop numbers. (Playlist Qobuz, songs, Albums. Can anybody help me?
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Audio Devices (Specify connection type - USB/HDMI/ect.)
At this time it is not possible to use Focus on Playlists.
Thanks for the feedback here. Since this appears to be “working as designed” I would recommend also posting your suggestion in the 'feature request" section of the site.
Our product team and developers keep a close eye on that category, so that’s definitely the best place to propose a change like this and get feedback from the Community.
In the meantime, one option is to add the playlists to your library in Roon and then add that content to a tag. You can then use select that Tag from the Track or Album browsers.