I installed Roon on my Sonore Server with Vortexbox 2.4. All is well, works great. Before I commit to purchase I have an update question.
When there are updates to Roon Server, I am guessing I will have to update Roon on my Vortexbox manually? Would there be some support showing me how to do that or will I have to do that in Vortexbox forums? I am software challenged…
The Synology Roon app shows an update-pending notice on whatever endpoint you’re using to access Roon, and installs without any manual input other than agreeing to start the update process. I suspect your version will operate in a similar manner.
Roon will automatically update itself. When you start the main remote application it will tell you when there is an update and it will manage it all. Updates Roon core, and and any Roon bridges you may be running. I too run vortexbox 2.4 os which is EOL now so there are very few updates for it, if any.