Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)
BT Smart Hub 6 Linksys SE 2600 Ethernet
Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)
Cambridge Azur 851N Ethernet over Power
Description Of Issue
Trialled Roon on XPS15 i7 win 10 Laptop before purchase and install ROCK on NUC. Been using iPad Pro 2020 as remote, want also to use the XPS elsewhere in the house on Chromecast etc.I installed Roon again on the XPS, I can see the NUC/ROCK from it, but the ROON install doesn’t give me the choice as at
it just offers to unauthorise ROCK …
Roon only offers two PC packages: Full and Bridge, no remote. Upon first installation of the full room package it defaults connecting to the same core (default user question). To turn this installation into a remote, you need to disconnect from the current core in settings, reconnect and then search for the new remote core.
I went to un-install again, and realised that the default uninstall leaves the settings and database behind. I did an uninstall of these only and it all started up fine, I connected to the ROCK, and we’re away !
Perhaps the default should be uninstall all, with warning of optional courses of action ?