Why are "Skipped Files" output as XML?

The button I clicked on offers output to Excel, so why not XLS format?

XML is more portable and Excel supports xml format… best of both worlds.

However, I agree Roon’s screen prompts are misleading…

Perhaps it should say “Export to Excel (XML)”

One for @mike to note.

@mitr – what platform are you on? I’m guessing Windows? Can you tell me what happens when you try to open the file?

We actually noticed an issue here, so thanks for the report. We’re going to fix and make the copy on the tab clearer as well.

Win10. The file is XML code.

Thanks Kal. It should work if you change the extension to XLS, and this will be fixed soon.

This should be fixed now Kal – let us know if you’re seeing otherwise.

Yes, the file is now readable although Excel says it is not in the same format as it is labeled.

Hi Kal,

This is because the content of the file has not changed it is still a XML Spread Sheet 2003 format (which can be viewed as plain text in any text editor) but now the file extension is .xls Excel will display the warning.

Once opened in Excel, the “Save As” option can be used to save it in ones preferred format.

Personally I feel it was more consistent for the file to have the .xml extension (hence my previous comment) but I can see how that might trip up some users who are not aware of how to open .xml spread sheet files using Excel.

I cannot read the XML as a spread-sheet in a plain-text editor; it reads as code. But, bottom-line, it’s OK.

Hi again,

Sorry I may have inadvertently mislead you, I was not suggesting it would look like a spread sheet (i.e. like in Excel) the text editor is just showing the raw XML that Excel (and other programs) understand, display and manipulate.

As an aside; … having the export in this non-proprietary format is quite cool as it enables open source application and home-crafted programs to access and exploit the data it contains.

[quote=“Carl, post:10, topic:24676”]
As an aside; … having the export in this non-proprietary format is quite cool as it enables open source application and home-crafted programs to access and exploit the data it contains.
[/quote] I am curious what that might be. The only use I have for it is to tell me some of the files (but not all) that were skipped. Fixing them is another story!