Why can't I "favorite" a song?

Hi @armandhammer,

There are a number of factors that play into recommendations, but favorites are not a requirement for them.

Is this the same as saying “favorites are not factored into personal recommendations at all”?

Or are you saying that “favorites are not necessary for Roon to generate personal recommendations (but they are used to some extent)”?

Your wording leaves me wondering. Please clarify.

One can think of it this way:
Best we know, there are essentially three factors determining recommendations:

  1. Your library, what you play and what you favorite.
  2. What the greater Roon community has as a library, plays, and favorites (either as things they own or how they ‘thumb’ Roon Radio recommendations).
  3. The Roon Valence algorithm, which considers your music characteristics (#1), the characteristics of the Roon Community (#2, what they like to add, play, and favorite that is somehow similar to you), and comes up with some complicated translation of what you might like based on #1 and #2.

Any one thing you do on your own is only a small part of what you get. People can get all tied up in knots about how their (relatively minor) actions influence what is offered to them.
My rule of thumb is to just go about my business and avoid Celine Dion and Coldplay.


Thanks for this explanation - why it has to be so complicated though? And why we can’t favourite things in order to add them to the library?

Anyhoo-you solved it for me, so thanks!

2 posts were split to a new topic: Adding a Favorite should work better

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