Two related posts detailed different ways to get to an eternal spinning add.
Post 1 from April 2022
This is an issue in stable as well, but, I thought I’d bring it up here so it could be looked into as either a bug or product issue.
If you go to any album on a streaming service NOT in your library, and Add it to your library a pop-up will appear at the bottom of the screen,
The checkmark with added to library. IF you click that popup it will bring you to the same album page but Not in your library.
If you add it again the pop up will appear, if you click it, it will take you to another page showing the album not in your library, etc etc forever in a loop. (I did it up to 20 times before I stopped, so there maybe a hard limit I did not reach).
Now, if in this process after the first original add, you stop and let the pop-up go away, the album will display what I refer to as the endless “Album Add Spin”. See a screen pic.
Now, this is not the only way to get to this state, btw. I know I mentioned another to @michael during our chat. And, I detail another here.
Post 2 also from April 2022 when I was testing things - a different way to get to that state
Rugby aka Daniel or Big DanCommunity: Volunteer Moderator
This is why I only add albums to Roon, and then heart individual tracks in Roon that I want to maintain as Favorites.
Adding only one track can be confusing for many people as while the album is in the library the majority of the album’s tracks will actually NOT be in the library.
See, I’ve added only 1 track to my library. Notice that this view of what is in my library does not show the + add to library. Also, I added that one track which is in my library to a Playlist as is displayed.
When I follow the link the rest of the album. You will notice that the album is showing the + indicating it is NOT in my library and I can then add it to my library. However, note that the version of “Fire and Rain” here is also NOT in my library. You can see the track does not reference the playlist. That is because a track can exist in both states, both IN and OUT of your library.
Now if you then add the album AFTER adding the track, you will get the never-ending “Album Add Spin” on that page. (see below).
But, if you go click back to the page where you had the one track in your library, you will see the whole album is now showing in your library, and the other page (if you navigate forward to it) will still be in the eternal “Album Add Spin” state.