Sorry what do you mean?
Go to the ‘advanced’ tab in the web interface and hit the feedback button. Post the code back over here.
I’m confused here. Your DAC will never ever report back it’s capabilities over I2S?
It’s up to you, to select a driver that matches it’s capabilities in the Pi’s operating system.
Ah, never done that before. Thanks Henry.
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In essence it very simple: you’ve selected a HAT that is only capable of doing 192k.
I see you have a RaspTouch, but which device actually (afaik there are more models).
Is there a possiblity to just use USB?
Hi Harry,
This is the model I have:
I bought it so I could use I2S instead of USB so would prefer to use that interface.
I believe audiophonics said it’s capable of more than 192 but I can double check.
Is there some other HAT that supports I2S that I should be using?
I just double-checked and this device via i2s only supports 192!
That would explain it. Sorry for the bother…
Hi Harry, do you know which HAT I’d use if I want to use the USB output from the rasptouch (or should I ask them)? Thanks.
For USB no HAT is required.
Audiophonics had me switch the rapstouch to the audiophonics i-Sabre hat and now I’m going at 384 khz.
Alas I still get a ticking sound when I play DSD via DoP.
Oddly, when I tell roon to play dsd by converting it to pcm it sounds “really really bad” - i.e. unlistenable.
Will continue mucking unless you have any ideas…
Glad its sorted @Peter_Galvin1
While my RME ADI-2 has no pops playing any DSD files since fix was released by them
My new DAC Bryston BDA-3 also pops at beginning of DSD playback. Only on files that support Native DSD. (the BDA DSD indicators switch color for Native DSD). So DSD that doesn’t have Native DSD marker plays fine. So sharing your frustration.
Don’t think I will purchase another DAC that I can’t try before I buy or has some way to return.
Hope it’s looked at and resolved in both our cases.
My wife has my old Allo Katana which I believe is based on same DAC chipset as your device. She also gets a pop when playing back all DSD files whether native or not, also when switching away from DSD to PCM barely audible but there at louder volumes, the BDA-3 pop when I get it is much louder to point of concern.
Guess at end of day I should have purchased something on Roon approved list but was trying to keep my money in Canada through these tough times for our small businesses
Well, it was fixed.
Suddenly I couldn’t get any output via the rasptouch with the audiophonics i-sabre HAT.
Rebooted everything etc. Very puzzling.
Switching back to the original HAT worked fine but of course now I’m at lower res with DSD ticking…
Back to the drawing board. Investigating other music streamer options.