Hey guys,
I just did a few searches here, and I’m seeing results coming back in a reasonable amount of time, and that’s with both Qobuz and TIDAL logged in on a very large library.
Now, most results are pretty quick but some are taking roughly 2s to return, and that’s definitely slower than we’d like. There is some architectural work happening right now that should speed up searches across the board, but that’s a big project and will take a bit more time.
One of the biggest changes in Roon 1.6 is that our search functionality now depends on our cloud services. Even if I could confidently guarantee that Roon is 100% free of bugs (which sadly I cannot), this change alone would explain why these questions are coming up more often – search is now more susceptible to environmental issues, and the speed or stability of your network and your location relative to our servers is going to be a factor. We’ve investigated a lot of reports, and while haven’t found anything yet, we’ll continue to investigate each issue we hear about.
None of this changes the fact that the overwhelming majority of Roon users are seeing acceptable search performance. I understand that some people are having issues, but the number of reports we’ve seen indicate that most are not.
Also, a number of 1.6 “slowness” reports we’ve looked into ended up not being about search, and came down to other localized factors – for example, under-spec Cores or slower internet connections that are simply having trouble keeping up with high-res Qobuz streams.
While I understand the frustration, these issues may not be as widespread as some are assuming, since there are a number of different changes in 1.6 that can seem like "slowness" when things go wrong.
To be clear, if you think Roon is running slowly, we want to know. The best way for us to help is for support to gather the exact details of what you’re seeing in a support thread, so our team can open up a ticket for the technical team to analyze.
We’re going to split a few of the reports in this thread out so we can gather more information, and as always, thanks for the feedback here everyone.