Wiim Ultra disappeared from Roon app (ref#7H5T59)

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Wiim Ultra just dissappeared from Roon app

Describe your network setup

Google Home,

Hi @David_Pullum,

I’m afraid we’ll need a little more information to take action on this report.

From basic diagnostics, it appears your Roon devices aren’t on the same subnet as your ROCK. I’d first verify the Roon environment is all on the same subnet, including the problematic Zone.

Do you have multiple WiFi mesh nodes in this network setup, or is everything hardwired?


Tbh I’m getting really frustrated with this. I think Roon is an excellent product but it’s far too complicated to understand what’s happening . So much so if I can’t get it to work I will cancel my subscription

I have a mesh network

As far as I can see everything is on that network.

Raspberry pi which I think holds Roon Rock is on the mesh

KEF LSX on the mesh
WIIM ultra on the mesh

Yesterday WIIM ultra disappeared and today roon is not even picking up the KEFs

So that’s everything that’s on the mesh now disappeared

So what could not be on the mesh

My core? If so how do I change that

Amazing I’ve just ranted and then the lightbulb moment

Everything is attached to the mesh except the core which is wired to network 1

I’ve now wired it to the mesh and hey presto

Thanks for listening :pensive:

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