Win 10 not recognizing new Nucleus - Redux

This issue was addressed by Wes earlier this month. At that time he suggested a work-around which allowed me to copy, paste and edit music files between two USB data hdds (connected directly to a brand new Nucleus) and any of three Win10 PCs on my LAN. This worked perfectly until a few days ago. Although the network location for the Nucleus still showed up under Network in File Manager, the hdds were no longer accessible under Although I am still able to access the Roon core with my Galaxy Tab2, under Settings/Storage/ both drives are shown with the error message: “This drive is not available. Check the drive or edit this folder if it has been moved.” The drives have not been moved since it was last working correctly. I’ve rebooted the Nucleus and all the PC’s a few times and the problem still exists. Another anomaly which may or may not be related: The network location-finding Android app “fing”, does find the location of “Nucleus” but says it’s manufacturer is Apple. This seems odd, since the app correctly identifies the location and manufacturer of the other 15 devices on my network. So Wes, if you are able to comment on this post, it would be greatly appreciated.

Can you successfully ping the address from a Windows machine? In short, start a command window and write


then press Enter. You should get output showing responses, or not - you will see the difference. After a few responses, simply close the command window.

In detail:

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Thanks for your prompt response. It appears I pushed the panic button before exhausting all debugging options I should have considered. While the unit was working correctly, I transferred/edited/deleted 100 or so gigs of files between the Nucleus hdds and one of the PCs. It turns out that during this process disk errors were somehow created on both hdds. When I removed the drives from the Nucleus, fixed the errors and reconnected the drives to the Nucleus, everything worked again. Sorry for troubling y’all.

Happy it works. Make sure you have a backup, disk errors are a bad sign regardless of how much you copy

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