Windows 10 - no devices visible

I’ve moved my hqplayer server, running on Windows 10, over to run as a roon bridge. In doing so I ran into a problem: roonbridge did not show up in my roon remote.

Installing the full Roon application didn’t resolve anything, but showed why it did no show up: no local devices at all.

I’ve noticed there are a few topics with similar problems, but for most did not see a resolution added to the trail.

It is up and running now :slight_smile: , thought I’d share my resolution, just in case it can help others in the future.

Windows 10 comes with a repair option. Go to ‘settings’, select ‘update & security’, do to ‘recovery’ and run ‘Get started’ under Reset my PC. It was suffient to leave my personal files in place, so after it reset I very quickly could install my dac drivers and roonbridge and… it works like a charm now.

Probably something got corrupted at some point, I thought this was a pretty easy and painless way to get it all to work again (much better than a clean install).

Problem solved, just shared in case it is of help to others.