Windows Roon Core and Roon Remote Show Same Audio Devices [Solved]

Just as Clonezilla turns one hard drive into two, RDP turns one screen into two. Since there are problems with multiscreen, they are also likely with RDP.

What happens deep in the system is probably only that one screen pretends to be the other and the clear identification of who is what can be disturbed.

@noris Any ideas?

Logs from the non-core instance. opengl lines removed

11/19 11:35:54 Info: Starting Roon v1.8 (build 831) stable on windows
11/19 11:35:54 Info: [URI] Checking that FriendlyAppName == Roon
11/19 11:35:54 Info: Registering for URI scheme: Roon, roon
11/19 11:35:54 Info: URI scheme executable path remains "C:\Users\mike\AppData\Local\Roon\Application\Roon.exe" "%1"
11/19 11:35:54 Trace: Checking if we are already running
11/19 11:35:54 Trace: Nope, we are the only one running
11/19 11:35:54 Info: Is 64 bit? True
11/19 11:35:54 Info: Loading broo project: ui.broox
11/19 11:35:54 Trace: [realtime] fetching time from NTP server
11/19 11:35:54 Trace: [broo/imagecache] loaded 5 cache entries from C:\Users\mike\AppData\Local\Roon\Cache\brooimages_1\index.db, current: 512mb / 0mb
11/19 11:35:54 Trace: [orbit] init seq=8, pending=2, spcount=7, uidcount=2
11/19 11:35:54 Trace: [realtime] Got time from NTP: 19/11/2021 11:36:51 (3846310611396ms)
11/19 11:35:54 Trace: [realtime] Updated clock skew to 00:00:56.9229090 (56922.909ms)
11/19 11:35:54 Info: [broker] starting dec2b5a6-3e5d-4672-8b9d-4a59934ff52c
11/19 11:35:54 Trace: [httpcache] loaded 0 cache entries from C:\Users\mike\AppData\Local\Roon\Cache\httpcache_2.db, current: 0mb / 128mb
11/19 11:35:54 Debug: looking for *_old files in: C:\Users\mike\AppData\Local\Roon\Application
11/19 11:35:54 Debug: looking for old numerical version dirs in: C:\Users\mike\AppData\Local\Roon\Application
11/19 11:35:54 Info: [broker/locations] adding storage location: Internet:Name=Internet Media:Id=e268f098-04c4-4e65-af3f-38ba3c3fcecb
11/19 11:35:54 Debug: Pixel format found: Pixel format 9: Type 202B, Accel 2027, 32bpp (R8G8B8A0), 24 depth bits, 0 stencil bits, 64 accum bits, sRGB capable: True
11/19 11:35:54 Debug: Successfully created OpenGL Context using wglCreateContextAttribsARB
11/19 11:35:54 Info: [broker/locations] media availability: Internet:Name=Internet Media:Id=e268f098-04c4-4e65-af3f-38ba3c3fcecb is online
11/19 11:35:54 Trace: DWM Composition: 1, using swap interval: 0
11/19 11:35:54 Info: [broker/locations] adding storage location: MetadataService:Name=Metadata Service:Id=13769258-b70b-4243-b1d6-bd46e8257ba8
11/19 11:35:54 Info: [broker/locations] media availability: MetadataService:Name=Metadata Service:Id=13769258-b70b-4243-b1d6-bd46e8257ba8 is online
11/19 11:35:54 Info: [broker/locations] adding storage location: Offline:Name=Offline:Id=f1e4b43f-f643-47ba-b875-fd93b32a6006
11/19 11:35:54 Info: [broker/locations] adding storage location: DefaultMusicFolder:Name=Music Folder:Id=29bdcae6-b5fd-d666-27bf-a1f6afceabac
11/19 11:35:54 Debug: Framebuffer info : R8G8B8A0, color encoding: 0x2601, depth: 24, stencil: 0
11/19 11:35:54 Debug: Vertex highp int: range (-2^31 to 2^30), precision: 0 bits
11/19 11:35:54 Debug: Vertex mediump int: range (-2^31 to 2^30), precision: 0 bits
11/19 11:35:54 Debug: Vertex lowp int: range (-2^31 to 2^30), precision: 0 bits
11/19 11:35:54 Debug: Vertex highp float: range (-2^127 to 2^127), precision: 23 bits
11/19 11:35:54 Debug: Vertex mediump float: range (-2^15 to 2^15), precision: 10 bits
11/19 11:35:54 Debug: Vertex lowp float: range (-2^15 to 2^15), precision: 10 bits
11/19 11:35:54 Debug: Fragment highp int: range (-2^31 to 2^30), precision: 0 bits
11/19 11:35:54 Debug: Fragment mediump int: range (-2^31 to 2^30), precision: 0 bits
11/19 11:35:54 Debug: Fragment lowp int: range (-2^31 to 2^30), precision: 0 bits
11/19 11:35:54 Debug: Fragment highp float: range (-2^127 to 2^127), precision: 23 bits
11/19 11:35:54 Debug: Fragment mediump float: range (-2^15 to 2^15), precision: 10 bits
11/19 11:35:54 Debug: Fragment lowp float: range (-2^15 to 2^15), precision: 10 bits
11/19 11:35:54 Debug: Maximum parallel texture loading jobs: 15
11/19 11:35:54 Debug: Maximum OpenGl texture size is 32768
11/19 11:35:54 Trace: [brokerserver] Enabling broker server
11/19 11:35:54 Info: [broker/distributed] HTTP server listening on port 9100
11/19 11:35:54 Trace: [brokerserver] Enabling https broker server
11/19 11:35:54 Info: [broker/distributed] HTTPS server listening on port 9300
11/19 11:35:54 Trace: [broker/backups] initializing
11/19 11:35:54 Debug: using FreeType v2.10.1
11/19 11:35:54 Trace: [broker/accounts] Data updated. AccountStatus=NoAccountConfigured MachineStatus=NeedsAccount UserId=<none>
11/19 11:35:54 Trace: [broker/accounts] [heartbeat] now=19/11/2021 11:36:51 nextauthrefresh=19/11/2021 11:31:51 nextmachineallocate=19/11/2021 11:36:51
11/19 11:35:54 Trace:  [broker/accounts]   doing auth refresh, next=19/11/2021 11:31:51
11/19 11:35:54 Trace: [broker/accounts]    doing machine allocate, next=19/11/2021 15:36:51
11/19 11:35:54 Trace: [inetdiscovery] added device broker/dec2b5a6-3e5d-4672-8b9d-4a59934ff52c in addr:__ADDR__
11/19 11:35:54 Info: Broo Debug Web GUI ready at http://localhost:6700/broo/
11/19 11:35:54 Trace: [brooengine] Loaded atlas list. 0ms
11/19 11:35:54 Trace: [brooengine] Window is running in scale 1
11/19 11:35:54 Trace: [brooengine] Using atlas scale 1
11/19 11:35:54 Info: [libraryapi] loaded first run time 19/11/2021 00:14:00
11/19 11:35:54 Debug: render area size initial value: 284x261
11/19 11:35:54 Info: Loaded broo project: ui.broox, atlas: ui
11/19 11:35:54 Info: Kicking off event loop
11/19 11:35:54 Info: Kicking off event loop
11/19 11:35:54 Debug: ui running on thread 1
11/19 11:35:54 Info: Kicking off main
11/19 11:35:54 Info: Creating root
11/19 11:35:54 Trace: [devicedb] initializing
11/19 11:35:54 Info: [raatserver] [runner] Start or Connect...
11/19 11:35:54 Info: [raatserver] [runner] Start or Connect... C:\Users\mike\AppData\Local\Roon\Application\RAATServer.exe
11/19 11:35:54 Info: ConnectOrStartAndWaitForExit RAATServer, path: C:\Users\mike\AppData\Local\Roon\Application\RAATServer.exe
11/19 11:35:54 Debug: [brooengine Loaded atlas texture ui_atlas@1x-2.png in 43ms
11/19 11:35:54 Trace: [broker/services] refreshing metadata URL bits
11/19 11:35:54 Info: [broker/services] using URL override for identifier:
11/19 11:35:54 Info: [broker/services] using URL override for imagecache:
11/19 11:35:54 Info: [broker/services] using URL override for swim:
11/19 11:35:54 Info: [broker/services] using URL override for qobuzservice:
11/19 11:35:54 Info: [broker/services] using URL override for tidalservice:
11/19 11:35:54 Debug: initialize backend in 277ms
11/19 11:35:54 Debug: [brooengine Loaded atlas texture ui_atlas@1x-1.png in 61ms
11/19 11:35:54 Trace: [brooengine] Loaded atlas. 63ms (104ms across all threads)
11/19 11:35:54 Debug: render area size changed value: 768x768
11/19 11:35:54 Debug: ev_app_init: showing broker choosing window
11/19 11:35:54 Debug: app_init completed
11/19 11:35:54 Debug: render area size changed value: 1008x768
11/19 11:35:54 Debug: render area size changed value: 1920x1017
11/19 11:35:54 Debug: render area size changed value: 1920x1017
11/19 11:35:54 Debug: [broker/filebrowser/volumeattached] initial listing found drive mounted at C:\
11/19 11:35:54 Info: [broker/messaging] initializing
11/19 11:35:54 Info: [metadata] initializing
11/19 11:35:54 Trace:  [broker/accounts]   doing auth refresh in EnsureAuthReady, next=19/11/2021 12:36:51
11/19 11:35:54 Warn: [auth] EnsureAuthReady failed: Result[Status=NotLoggedIn]
11/19 11:35:54 Trace: ForceRenderImmediately, viewport: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0}
11/19 11:35:54 Trace: [ipaddresses] enumerating addresses
11/19 11:35:54 Trace: [ipaddresses]    FOUND   Ethernet
11/19 11:35:54 Trace: [ipaddresses]    SKIPPED Ethernet 2: not up
11/19 11:35:54 Trace: [ipaddresses]    SKIPPED Bluetooth Network Connection: not up
11/19 11:35:54 Trace: [ipaddresses]    FOUND   Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1
11/19 11:35:54 Info: [music] first pass through media thread is done
11/19 11:35:54 Debug: trigger: appinitwasnotrun
11/19 11:35:54 Debug: trigger: do nothing
11/19 11:35:54 Info: [transport] initializing
11/19 11:35:54 Trace: [devicedb] refreshing, etag=W/"20e0e7-17d33f30c5b"
11/19 11:35:54 Trace: [devicedb] builtin device db found at C:\Users\mike\AppData\Local\Roon\Application\100800831\
11/19 11:35:54 Trace: [devicedb] cached device db found at C:\Users\mike\AppData\Local\Roon\Cache\
11/19 11:35:54 Info: [broker/dropbox] no account configured
11/19 11:35:54 Trace: [devicedb] loading device db at C:\Users\mike\AppData\Local\Roon\Cache\
11/19 11:35:54 Info: [remoting] loaded protocol hash e489d012e57c96f99d2795d6ba715e7a76198f2e from C:\Users\mike\AppData\Local\Roon\Application\100800831\Roon.Broker.Api.Remote.dll
11/19 11:35:54 Trace: [distributedbroker] Enabling remote broker tracking
11/19 11:35:55 Debug: Created new font texture with id: 3
11/19 11:35:55 Trace: [geoip] GET
11/19 11:35:55 Trace: [devicedb] loaded 131 vendors, 764 products from devicedb with timestamp 18/11/2021 16:48:25
11/19 11:35:55 Info: [loadstatus] IsLibraryLoading True => False
11/19 11:35:55 Info: [roonapi] initializing
11/19 11:35:55 Info: [loadstatus] IsTransportLoading True => False
11/19 11:35:55 Info: [loadstatus] IsStartup True => False
11/19 11:35:55 Trace: [inetdiscovery] added service com.roonlabs.roon.api.tcp for device broker/dec2b5a6-3e5d-4672-8b9d-4a59934ff52c
11/19 11:35:55 Trace: [inetdiscovery] added service com.roonlabs.roon.api.http for device broker/dec2b5a6-3e5d-4672-8b9d-4a59934ff52c
11/19 11:35:55 Info: [roonapi] listening on port 9150
11/19 11:35:55 Trace: [brokerclient] connecting to DESKTOP-1F16ITG (ffd50e99-261c-4869-89b5-12003bb42d80) @ (attempt 1/6)
11/19 11:35:55 Info: [distributedbroker] FOUND BROKER DESKTOP-1F16ITG (ffd50e99-261c-4869-89b5-12003bb42d80)
11/19 11:35:55 Debug: [easyhttp] [2] GET to returned after 476 ms, status code: 304
11/19 11:35:55 Trace: [devicedb] Not Modified. Nothing to do
11/19 11:35:55 Debug: [brokerclient] auth with DESKTOP-1F16ITG (ffd50e99-261c-4869-89b5-12003bb42d80): Attempting to authenticate with no PIN
11/19 11:35:55 Trace: SENT REQUEST DistributedBroker.ConnectRequest={ ClientBrokerId=dec2b5a6-3e5d-4672-8b9d-4a59934ff52c ClientBrokerName='DESKTOP-LECJOKJ' ProtocolVersion='27' ProtocolHash='e489d012e57c96f99d2795d6ba715e7a76198f2e' }
11/19 11:35:55 Debug: [easyhttp] [1] GET to returned after 496 ms, status code: 401
11/19 11:35:55 Info: [stats] 5268mb Virtual, 172mb Physical, 30mb Managed, 1317 Handles, 66 Threads
11/19 11:35:55 Trace: GOT NONFINAL DistributedBroker.ConnectResponse={ BrokerId=ffd50e99-261c-4869-89b5-12003bb42d80 BrokerName='DESKTOP-1F16ITG' }
11/19 11:35:55 Trace: [brokerclient] connected to DESKTOP-1F16ITG (ffd50e99-261c-4869-89b5-12003bb42d80)
11/19 11:35:55 Trace: GOT NONFINAL DistributedBroker.UpdatesChangedResponse={ IsSupported=True WasJustUpdated=False Status='UpToDate' HasChangeLog=False CurrentVersion={ MachineValue=100800831 DisplayValue='1.8 (build 831) stable' Branch='stable' } }
11/19 11:35:55 Trace: [geoip] GOT {"source":"geolite","country_iso":"GB","country":"United Kingdom","state":"England","state_iso":"ENG","city":"Liverpool","latitude":53.4084,"longitude":-2.8379,"postalcode":"L36","accuracy":20,"ip":"","status":"Success","decimal_ip":"88462401","ipaddress":""}
11/19 11:35:55 Debug: [easyhttp] [3] POST to returned after 547 ms, status code: 200
11/19 11:35:55 Trace: [SOOD] Adding User IP
11/19 11:35:55 Trace: [SOOD] Adding User IP
11/19 11:35:55 Trace: [SOOD] Adding User IP
11/19 11:35:55 Trace: [SOOD] Adding User IP
11/19 11:35:55 Trace: [roonbridge] [sood] Refreshing device list
11/19 11:35:56 Debug: [easyhttp] [4] POST to returned after 207 ms, status code: 200
11/19 11:35:56 Debug: ev_app_init: found previously chosen broker: [object System.Guid] [is_essentials=0]
11/19 11:35:56 Info: SuspendZones
11/19 11:35:56 Info: [client/root] Broker changed null => DESKTOP-1F16ITG (Remote Broker ffd50e99-261c-4869-89b5-12003bb42d80)
11/19 11:35:56 Info: [client/root] Client is acting as a remote
11/19 11:35:56 Info: [client/root] Broker ready changed False => True
11/19 11:35:56 Debug: ev_app_init: done
11/19 11:35:56 Debug: trigger: appinitwasrun
11/19 11:35:56 Debug: trigger: apploaded, restoring nav stack
11/19 11:35:56 Debug: GMS: restoring nav stack
11/19 11:35:56 Debug: GMS: no GMS file found for broker id [object System.Guid] -- going home instead
11/19 11:35:56 Info: ScrollDirection
11/19 11:35:56 Info: [ui] loading home screen
11/19 11:35:56 Debug: UI-FWD: mode: home
11/19 11:35:56 Debug: GMS: trying to save nav stack, but nav stack stuff was in progress
11/19 11:35:56 Debug: UI-NAV: home / bookmarkdata: 
11/19 11:35:56 Debug: GMS: done restoring nav stack
11/19 11:35:56 Debug: after delayed_start_work
11/19 11:35:56 Info: [ui] loading home screen
11/19 11:35:56 Info: [ui] loading home screen
11/19 11:35:56 Trace: DisposeReusableCellCache: scrollpanel(343), 0 disposed from cache.
11/19 11:35:56 Debug: unhandled selection type: 
11/19 11:35:56 Info: [raatserver] [runner] Status: Started
11/19 11:35:56 Trace: [volumewatcher] ev_VolumeChanged DidMount: C:\
11/19 11:35:56 Debug: [broker/filebrowser/volumeattached] found newly mounted drive at C:\
11/19 11:35:57 Debug: [easyhttp] [5] POST to,roon.internet_discovery.,roon.debug.,,roon.dsp.,roon.client.,roon.sood?roon_auth_token=fa532515-7433-432e-ac57-f1675bccde0f returned after 657 ms, status code: 200
11/19 11:35:57 Trace: [bits] updated bits, in 664ms
11/19 11:35:57 Trace: ForceRenderImmediately, viewport: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1920,Height=1017}
11/19 11:36:00 Debug: [easyhttp] [6] POST to returned after 247 ms, status code: 200
11/19 11:36:00 Trace: [inetdiscovery] registered 1 devices, 2 services

And logs from the core while the above instance boots up.

/19 11:35:12 Info: [stats] 5341mb Virtual, 282mb Physical, 44mb Managed, 1594 Handles, 72 Threads
11/19 11:35:27 Info: [stats] 5337mb Virtual, 282mb Physical, 45mb Managed, 1590 Handles, 71 Threads
11/19 11:35:42 Info: [stats] 5353mb Virtual, 282mb Physical, 46mb Managed, 1619 Handles, 75 Threads
11/19 11:35:57 Info: [stats] 5349mb Virtual, 282mb Physical, 45mb Managed, 1612 Handles, 74 Threads
11/19 11:36:12 Info: [stats] 5345mb Virtual, 282mb Physical, 44mb Managed, 1608 Handles, 73 Threads
11/19 11:36:27 Info: [stats] 5345mb Virtual, 282mb Physical, 45mb Managed, 1607 Handles, 72 Threads
11/19 11:36:35 Trace: [realtime] fetching time from NTP server
11/19 11:36:35 Trace: [realtime] Got time from NTP: 19/11/2021 11:36:35 (3846310595627ms)
11/19 11:36:35 Trace: [realtime] Updated clock skew to 00:00:00.3560053 (356.0053ms)
11/19 11:36:36 Trace: ForceRenderImmediately, viewport: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1008,Height=768}
11/19 11:36:36 Trace: ForceRenderImmediately, viewport: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1008,Height=768}
11/19 11:36:42 Info: [stats] 5346mb Virtual, 280mb Physical, 44mb Managed, 1622 Handles, 74 Threads
11/19 11:36:51 Info: [brokerserver] Client connected:
11/19 11:36:51 Trace: [SOOD] Adding User IP
11/19 11:36:51 Trace: [raat] [sood] Refreshing device list
11/19 11:36:51 Trace: [raatserver] [sood] Refreshing device list
11/19 11:36:52 Trace: SENT NONFINAL DistributedBroker.ConnectResponse={ BrokerId=ffd50e99-261c-4869-89b5-12003bb42d80 BrokerName='DESKTOP-1F16ITG' }
11/19 11:36:52 Trace: SENT NONFINAL DistributedBroker.UpdatesChangedResponse={ IsSupported=True WasJustUpdated=False Status='UpToDate' HasChangeLog=False CurrentVersion={ MachineValue=100800831 DisplayValue='1.8 (build 831) stable' Branch='stable' } }
11/19 11:36:52 Trace: [push] restarting connection (Unable to read data from the transport connection: A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall.)
11/19 11:36:52 Trace: [push] retrying connection in 78384ms
11/19 11:36:52 Debug: [easyhttp] [27] POST to returned after 492 ms, status code: 200
11/19 11:36:52 Debug: [easyhttp] [26] POST to returned after 506 ms, status code: 200
11/19 11:36:52 Debug: [easyhttp] [28] POST to returned after 520 ms, status code: 200
11/19 11:36:53 Debug: [music/profilestats] Computed stats in 0ms, got 0 top albums, 0 top performers, 0 genres
11/19 11:36:53 Trace: [radio/query] performing channel query
11/19 11:36:53 Trace: [radio/query] query returned 0 Sooloos.Broker.Api.Channel(s)
11/19 11:36:53 Debug: [music/profilestats] Computed stats in 0ms, got 0 top albums, 0 top performers, 0 genres
11/19 11:36:53 Trace: [radio/query] performing channel query
11/19 11:36:53 Trace: [radio/query] query returned 0 Sooloos.Broker.Api.Channel(s)
11/19 11:36:53 Debug: [music/profilestats] Computed stats in 0ms, got 0 top albums, 0 top performers, 0 genres
11/19 11:36:53 Trace: [radio/query] performing channel query
11/19 11:36:53 Trace: [radio/query] query returned 0 Sooloos.Broker.Api.Channel(s)
11/19 11:36:53 Debug: [easyhttp] [29] GET to returned after 423 ms, status code: 200
11/19 11:36:53 Debug: [easyhttp] [30] GET to returned after 552 ms, status code: 200
11/19 11:36:53 Debug: [easyhttp] [32] GET to returned after 551 ms, status code: 200
11/19 11:36:53 Debug: [easyhttp] [31] GET to returned after 554 ms, status code: 200
11/19 11:36:57 Info: [stats] 5392mb Virtual, 286mb Physical, 47mb Managed, 1658 Handles, 82 Threads
11/19 11:37:02 Trace: Successful POST response from
11/19 11:37:02 Trace: [push] connecting to
11/19 11:37:02 Trace: [push] connected
11/19 11:37:12 Info: [stats] 5388mb Virtual, 287mb Physical, 46mb Managed, 1676 Handles, 81 Threads
11/19 11:37:27 Info: [stats] 5380mb Virtual, 287mb Physical, 49mb Managed, 1660 Handles, 79 Threads
11/19 11:37:42 Info: [stats] 5396mb Virtual, 287mb Physical, 48mb Managed, 1686 Handles, 83 Threads
11/19 11:37:57 Info: [stats] 5388mb Virtual, 287mb Physical, 46mb Managed, 1675 Handles, 81 Threads
11/19 11:38:12 Info: [stats] 5388mb Virtual, 287mb Physical, 48mb Managed, 1678 Handles, 81 Threads
11/19 11:38:27 Info: [stats] 5383mb Virtual, 287mb Physical, 49mb Managed, 1677 Handles, 79 Threads
11/19 11:38:34 Trace: [broker/accounts] [heartbeat] now=19/11/2021 11:38:34 nextauthrefresh=19/11/2021 11:38:35 nextmachineallocate=19/11/2021 12:28:34
11/19 11:38:43 Info: [stats] 5380mb Virtual, 287mb Physical, 49mb Managed, 1666 Handles, 79 Threads
11/19 11:38:58 Info: [stats] 5388mb Virtual, 287mb Physical, 47mb Managed, 1682 Handles, 81 Threads
11/19 11:39:13 Info: [stats] 5384mb Virtual, 287mb Physical, 48mb Managed, 1675 Handles, 80 Threads
11/19 11:39:28 Info: [stats] 5383mb Virtual, 287mb Physical, 49mb Managed, 1674 Handles, 79 Threads
11/19 11:39:43 Info: [stats] 5384mb Virtual, 287mb Physical, 48mb Managed, 1678 Handles, 80 Threads
11/19 11:39:58 Info: [stats] 5384mb Virtual, 287mb Physical, 47mb Managed, 1675 Handles, 80 Threads
11/19 11:40:13 Info: [stats] 5384mb Virtual, 287mb Physical, 48mb Managed, 1675 Handles, 80 Threads
11/19 11:40:28 Info: [stats] 5380mb Virtual, 287mb Physical, 47mb Managed, 1671 Handles, 79 Threads
11/19 11:40:43 Info: [stats] 5412mb Virtual, 287mb Physical, 48mb Managed, 1737 Handles, 87 Threads
11/19 11:40:58 Info: [stats] 5388mb Virtual, 287mb Physical, 47mb Managed, 1708 Handles, 81 Threads
11/19 11:41:13 Info: [stats] 5384mb Virtual, 287mb Physical, 48mb Managed, 1704 Handles, 80 Threads
11/19 11:41:28 Info: [stats] 5384mb Virtual, 287mb Physical, 49mb Managed, 1704 Handles, 80 Threads
11/19 11:41:43 Info: [stats] 5404mb Virtual, 287mb Physical, 48mb Managed, 1702 Handles, 85 Threads

As you have issues with audio devices, you should look into the log-files of RAATServer on both machines additionally because AFAIK RAATServer is handling those.

No RAAT logs on the none server version

No audio devices when RAATServer is not running. Look in Windows event viewer, maybe there are traces why RAATServer can’t run.

Nothing that looks relevant in event viewer. Closed and opened roon a few times to see if there is pattern and I get no application logs at any level.

RAAT logs from the server

11/19 08:28:36 Info: [RAATServer] running RAAT__manager
11/19 08:28:36 Trace: [raatmanager] starting discovery
11/19 08:28:36 Trace: [discovery] starting
11/19 08:28:36 Info: [discovery] [iface:vEthernet (Default Switch):] multicast recv socket is bound to
11/19 08:28:36 Info: [discovery] [iface:vEthernet (Default Switch):] multicast send socket is bound to
11/19 08:28:36 Info: [discovery] [iface:vEthernet (WSL):] multicast recv socket is bound to
11/19 08:28:36 Info: [discovery] [iface:vEthernet (WSL):] multicast send socket is bound to
11/19 08:28:36 Info: [discovery] [iface:Ethernet 5:] multicast recv socket is bound to
11/19 08:28:36 Info: [discovery] [iface:Ethernet 5:] multicast send socket is bound to
11/19 08:28:36 Info: [discovery] [iface:Ethernet 7:] multicast recv socket is bound to
11/19 08:28:36 Info: [discovery] [iface:Ethernet 7:] multicast send socket is bound to
11/19 08:28:36 Info: [discovery] [iface:Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1:] multicast recv socket is bound to
11/19 08:28:36 Info: [discovery] [iface:Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1:] multicast send socket is bound to
11/19 08:28:36 Info: [discovery] unicast socket is bound to
11/19 08:28:36 Trace: [raatmanager] starting server
11/19 08:28:36 Info: [jsonserver] listening on port 9200
11/19 08:28:36 Trace: [raatmanager] announcing
11/19 08:28:36 Debug: [discovery] broadcast op is complete
11/19 08:28:36 Trace: [jsonserver] [] accepted connection
11/19 08:28:36 Trace: [jsonserver] [] GOT[LL] [1] {"request":"enumerate_devices","subscription_id":"0"}
11/19 08:28:36 Trace: [jsonserver] [] SENT [1] [nonfinal] {"devices": [{"device_id": "default", "config": {"unique_id": "8086de9e-b6f4-d672-5a70-061054acf01f", "volume": {"device": "default", "type": "wasapi", "exclusive_mode": null}, "output": {"force_max_volum
11/19 08:28:36 Trace: [inetdiscovery] added device raatserver/05cba0df-1d38-4559-af43-15c4e95ea8a1 in addr:__ADDR__
11/19 08:28:36 Trace: [inetdiscovery] added service com.roonlabs.raatserver.tcp for device raatserver/05cba0df-1d38-4559-af43-15c4e95ea8a1
11/19 08:28:42 Trace: [ipaddresses] enumerating addresses
11/19 08:28:42 Trace: [ipaddresses]    FOUND   vEthernet (Default Switch)
11/19 08:28:42 Trace: [ipaddresses]    FOUND   vEthernet (WSL)
11/19 08:28:42 Trace: [ipaddresses]    FOUND   Ethernet 5
11/19 08:28:42 Trace: [ipaddresses]    FOUND   Ethernet 7
11/19 08:28:42 Trace: [ipaddresses]    SKIPPED Ethernet 8: not up
11/19 08:28:42 Trace: [ipaddresses]    SKIPPED Ethernet 2: not up
11/19 08:28:42 Trace: [ipaddresses]    FOUND   Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1
11/19 08:28:42 Warn: [easyhttp] [2] Post web exception without response: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel. 
11/19 08:28:42 Warn: [inetdiscovery] failed to register: Result[Status=NetworkError]
11/19 08:28:46 Trace: [RAATServer] refreshing @ 10s
11/19 08:28:47 Trace: [raatmanager] announcing
11/19 08:28:47 Debug: [discovery] broadcast op is complete
11/19 10:28:42 Warn: [easyhttp] [3] Post web exception without response: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel. 
11/19 10:28:42 Warn: [inetdiscovery] failed to register: Result[Status=NetworkError]
11/19 14:28:42 Warn: [easyhttp] [4] Post web exception without response: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel. 
11/19 14:28:42 Warn: [inetdiscovery] failed to register: Result[Status=NetworkError]
11/19 16:12:01 Trace: [jsonserver] [] read: eof
11/19 16:12:01 Trace: [jsonserver] [] destroying client

Hi @mbulmer1983 ,

I’m following up via private message, there are some more in-depth troubleshooting steps we can try here to separate the two devices.

Thanks for your help Noris and those who gave helpful areas to check.

It was as you suspected a windows registery value that was causing the issue. It isn’t named roon or anything obviously releated to roon hence why previous efforts to clean the registry didn’t work.

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Hi @mbulmer1983 ,

Glad to hear that the troubleshooting steps I suggested resolved the issue for you! Since those troubleshooting steps are a bit more in-depth, if there are any other users experiencing this same behavior, please let us know by messaging @support directly, thanks!

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