Wrong album description

roon has found the wrong album description for Kenny Burrell’s A Night at the Vanguard. It has incorrectly found the allmusic description for his Midnight at the Vanguard. Allmusic does have a description for A Night; is it possible to edit the metadata to get the right description? The rest of the metadata is correct - the right musicians are credited and the dates are right

I did see that a few others had reported wrong decriptions for other albums, but I didn’t see a solution in any post.

Hi @Stan_Jones,

We are looking into this. Thanks for reaching out!

Hi @Stan_Jones,

We’ve reached out to our metadata provider about this issue and will update you once we’ve received a response from them.

Thanks for the report!

Hi @Stan_Jones

Our metadata provider has let us know that they have corrected this today. Please give this about a week or two to be reflected within Roon. Once you see the change on your end please mark this post as the solution.

Thanks again for your report!

Over two weeks now and roon is still showing the wrong description for this album.

3 weeks and still waiting for correct album description. The description is correct at allmusic.

Hi @Stan_Jones,

Would you mind sharing this album with us so we can take a closer look? Ideally you can share this with us via a shared Dropbox link in a Private Message here on the site.