Wrong Metadata on Alexei Zuev: Stravinsky - The Complete Piano Solos

Content you’re reporting an issue with

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Is the album identified in Roon?


Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?

This is from Qobuz

Description of the issue

Happy to find this new album amongst today’s new releases. But on saving the album into my library it is immediately clear that the supplied metadata is in disorder.

Here a screenshot of the album in the Qobuz app. All tracks are in order with their corresponding metadata:

Here now the screenshot from Roon. Note that looking at the track duration in the Qobuz app permits to conclude that the track order in Roon is correct. Only the track identification, the metadata, is in disorder:

In addition to this, the Qobuz accounts in the recently activated new regions (Portugal and Latin-America) still do not get the right album resolution. It’s a hit or miss… some new releases are reported correctly as HiRes, others as this album are not. This has been reported before:

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Thanks Andreas, so I get on this way again good album recommendations from you and we probably together soon better metadata, if on this site is again diligently worked by the team. Yes patience is a strength that we also have to muster. This does not succeed every day equally well. I wish you much joy with Qobuz. Here you had to wait much longer.

Wasn’t there already a message that not everything always works with the longplayers (here 5 to 6 hours)?

Hey @Andreas_Philipp1

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. As always, we appreciate your help. This was a new release and there can be a bit of lag in metadata updating in Roon. It already looks like there’s been some metadata display improvement in Roon since the release date.

We’ve put in a ticket to take a closer look at how the information is reflected on our metadata providers’ side and see what we can do. Musicbrainz seems to provide partial “recording of” details which is probably contributing to the inconsistent Work/Part presentation in Roon.

Thanks @jamie; I’ve already deleted and saved again the album… now the metadata is correct. Yes, the album was new but visible on Roon. I’ll have to be more patient…

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Thanks @Andreas_Philipp1 for the update, I’m glad that you’re happpy with what you’re seeing now. Thank you for keeping in mind the metadata lag with new releases when making reports. If things don’t look better after a few days, however, we welcome your help with pointing it out.

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