Unable to play hi res content using an Audiophilio SPIDF converter

A screenshot of Signal Path would be helpful here too.

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OK, I turned both on and still have the problem.


I’m including a screenshot of my signal path playing a redbook file. Obviously, since a hi res file won’t play I can’t grab that signal path.


Not sure what is different from a few minutes ago but everything is suddenly working correctly. I can play 24 96 files and when I switch to a redbook file there is no lag in playback.

So I guess I’m good for now. It would be great to come up with a solution that doesn’t require me to turn on the various DSP engine parameters. I imagine you folks will look into that.


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Here’s some more info. I disabled the para EQ, restarted Roon and every is still working correctly.

Thanks @Paul_Kovit for letting us know.

We have a theory about what’s going on here, and we’ve been talking with Audiophilio about how we can move forward. We’ll let you know when we have some news to report here.

Thanks for your patience!

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A problem I was having back in August has resurfaced. Please see this thread for reference:

Unable to play hi res content using an Audiophilio SPIDF converter

With the recent upgrade to build 269 I was able to play hi res files through my Audiophelio2 without having to turn on DSP Engine settings.

But as of today the old problem is happening again on an intermittent basis. Sometimes when I play a 24bit or dsd album Roon will cycle though all tracks in one second. I then have to play a red book file for awhile and go back to hi res to make things work again (somtimes). As you can see in the previous thread dated Sept. 6th, Mike stated:

“We have a theory about what’s going on here, and we’ve been talking with Audiophilio about how we can move forward here. We’ll let you know when we have some news to report here.”

I never heard back from you after that. Were you ever able to get an Audiophilio in-house for testing purposes?

I’d love to get this resolved.

We got some answers, but I don’t believe we ever got any gear. I’m going to check on that, then myself or someone from @support will follow up.

I’m also going to enable some additional diagnostics on your account while we look into this. Can you reproduce the issue you’re describing a few more times, and take notes about exactly what formats you were playing, what happened, and what timestamps everything happened at.

Flag @Eric with that information when you have it, and we’ll pull a report so we can get a better understanding of what’s going on here.


I’ll try and collect that info for you later today.

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Thanks @Paul_Kovit, we’ll keep an eye out for your follow up!



Here’s a sequence I just went through:

At 11:56 tried playing 24 96 file. It worked.
Then played red book file. It worked.
Then played 24 96 file. Didn’t work.
Then played red book file. It worked.
Then played 24 96 file. Didn’t work.
Then played 24 48 file. It worked.
Then played 24 96 file. It worked.

So it seems the problem occurs with DSD or 24bit above 48k.

When I turn volume leveling to “auto” everything works. That has been my work-around for the last month. Obviously I’d prefer to have it work without a work-around.

Hi @Paul_Kovit ---- Thanks for the follow up! We’ll have a look at the diagnostic report and see what we can come up with based on the time frames you’ve provided :thumbsup:

Your patience is appreciated!


Hi @Paul_Kovit ---- Touching base with because it looks like we only got a partial diagnostics report from your system :head_bandage: Not sure why this would happen but I have since re-enabled this function (diagnostics) on your account, so the next time your core comes online we should receive the complete report.

Please remind me, you’re still hosting the Roon core on the 2013 iMac, yes?

From one of your previous posts:

Running Roon on a 2013 iMac running 10.8.4
Using a SPDIF converter to Naim DAC (not the v1)
Synology NAS


Yes, still using 2013 Mac.

I’ll be turning on the system early Friday afternoon so hopefully you’ll be able to get what you need after that.

Thanks for touching base @Paul_Kovit, I will keep an eye out for the diagnostic report this afternoon.


Hi Eric,
I launched Roon at 1:49PM EDT

Thanks @Paul_Kovit, confirming that the diagnostics report containing your logs have been received!



Hi Eric,
I haven’t heard from you in a while and am wondering if any progress has been made on my situation. I’ve just downloaded and launched the latest upgrade and things are worse than ever. Now I am intermittently experiencing no playback with hi res OR redbook. Was your engineering team ever able to find out anything based on my diagnostic reports? Were you ever able to procure an audiophileo for testing purposes. It’s been a few months with having to use work-arounds and you can imagine I’m getting pretty frustrated. Do you need me to send you my audiophileo for testing? Do I need to purchase another solution?
