Updating iPad Pro to 1.3 [Resolved]

Getting ready to pull the trigger on 1.3 and I see the 1.2 remote app is not compatible with 1.3. Do I need to go to iTunes and update my iPad or will it automatically update when I do 1.3?

Is should update automatically, however some people have had to manually install from app store.

I had a request to update as I opened the App. The link just worked. Perfect.

I am having an issue. The app has an “open” icon, but no download icon like other apps have. I click open and I get the screen telling me I need to upgrade. Any ideas?

My other remotes automatically updated.

I had this and deleting the app and downloading and reinstalling worked for me.

You lose your settings for that remote but not a big problem to redo them.

Thanks a lot

Same here. I deleted the app on the iPad but the download box is greyed out and I can’t download the new app. What now?

Hi Ken,
Sounds odd, where are you seeing the greyed out download box?
I would try rebooting the iPad Pro and then attempt to download the Roon app from the Apple App store.

I’m seeing the word “Downloaded” faintly below the Roon symbol in the App store. But it wouldn’t download last night–I kept getting the message posted above so I deleted the app. I must of deleted the new app?

I rebooted the iPad but no joy.

I’m out of ideas, I’ll tag @support to see if they have any.

Solved it. I was able to download it from my iPad–I was using my desktop and synching to the iPad before. No idea why it worked that way.