Age Poll - How old are you, really?



Cau·​ca·​sian | \ kȯ-ˈkā-zhən , kä- also -ˈka-zhən\

Definition of Caucasian

1 : of or relating to the Caucasus or its inhabitantswere forced to leave their Caucasian homeland

2 : of, constituting, or characteristic of a race of humankind native to Europe, North Africa, and southwest Asia and classified according to physical features —used especially in referring to persons of European descent having usually light skin pigmentation

Be careful gentlemen, I believe that the servers for the Roon Labs Community are located here in the US and we are getting awfully close to being woken.


:grinning: (not that a simple emoji can protect me)

I’m 61. Born and raised in California. Now living in the San Francisco Bay Area. Mexican American by heritage but I can only order beer in Spanish. :roll_eyes:
I’ve chased both music and sound since I was a young boy in elementary school.
I remember my first all in one Panasonic system with Garrard turntable, AM-FM radio. And especially augumenting it with a Nakamichi 500 cassette deck which cost me $424 including taxes if I recollect.

My system is better than ever, I have more access to recorded music than ever and more access to live music than ever. These are truly my halcyon days.

Stockholm - Athens
Olive Brown

54 year old British born expat naturalized Kiwi living in California for the last 13 years…

The poll chart is not telling us the whole thruth. At least 2 voters are 81-90 years young, appr 0.3%.
Here´s a more accurate chart, almost a perfect normal distribution curve :smiley:


I’ve never been good at maths :woozy_face: but the sample size has reached a good-ish number now?

In a ‘back of the envelope calc’ way? Sampling wasn’t random obviously.

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:+1: You’re correct. Of course, the numbers depend on how many Roon subscribers there are and how many have actually voted.
And then we have the aging effect as well, e.g. yours truly will step into unknown age territories soon :worried:

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Disclaimer again: I was never good at maths :woozy_face:

But the sample size required (guesstimate ‘back of envelope calc’ only) doesn’t change much for a population of 10k vs 100k vs 1 milli

For 1 milli:

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Don’t forget who told you ‘Age Ain’t Nothin But A Number’ back in the 90’s !

Actually no, we need to forget. I can’t listen to and enjoy that album ever again.

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Me too. Why, R.? Why?:angry:

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Given the current ‘back of the envelope’ calcs, there is a high probability that nobody else has a clue what we’re talking about :grin:

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Haha! Sample size is fine but the results may be biased by a) the subset of the population that participates in the forum; and b) the subset of forum participants that would respond to the poll. In my opinion these biases probably won’t change the conclusion: Roonies are old farts.


Already accounted for with "Sampling wasn’t random obviously." :wink:

And don’t forget “guesstimate ‘back of envelope calc’ only”

No formal analysis here, just some fun :grin:

This exactly what I would have guessed. If anything, I’m surprised it doesn’t skew a bit older.

I’m actually 17 and have using Roon since I was 16. I’m probably the youngest on here haha. I have over 4000 tracks from SACD’s, Qobuz and HDTRACKS in full hi-res 24/192 or 24/88. I’m trying to figure out how to rip vinyl for 24/96 and I have 400 tracks in DSD128 but I don’t have a DAC and AMP yet nor headphones or speakers for hi-res / mqa playback. Trying to save up enough money for Sony’s Signature Collection but maybe there is better out there?


Add 17 and younger to the poll please even though I voted as an 18 year old for statistical purposes

Great to have you as part of the Community Ethan. Always good to get perspective from younger users.

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Welcome, brother.

The forum definitely could use some fresher blood. Hope you participate.

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I guess I probably tick many of the stereotype boxes as well -
White British with some German or Saxon heritage somewhere, 53, committed techie.

I guess as far as Hifi goes, probably a bit of a different path to many. Had access to great hifi when was I was a kid as my dad had really excellent Quad based systems, however later as a musician/DJ I went the way of live sound and later studio sound systems when I got into audio engineering and later producing. It is only very recently in the last couple of years I have finally put audio work and DJing mostly to bed and got a normal Hi-Fi like sound system at home - I guess much to the relief of my wife who has had to live with a living room that was also part working studio :slight_smile:

Day job however has been electronics and mostly software development as I never managed to get as good and as consistent an income from my music or audio work. In an ideal world I might combine music or HiFi and software work, so I guess I tick the techie stereotype boxes as well :slight_smile:

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