Are other people putting together ROCK setups and selling them?

Sure. Just as it’s a choice for a tennis lover to learn say how to string their own rackets. It depends how much one is willing to get involved in a particular hobby.
(I am willing to bet installing ROCK is easier that stringing.)

But many people are not Roon or NUC lovers, but music lovers, and ROCK / any Roon server is just a necessity. If they want to pay for getting it done, let them. (Just like if someone isn’t a pro, it’s also fine if they let their racket be stringed and pay for the service occasionally)

I’ll think about it.

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Sorry that I get triggered by this every time :joy:

I’ve done both. I’d say it’s actually quite similar. First time stringing a raquet can be a nightmare. Second time is easier. After the 20th time you can do it blindfolded. I suspect building a NUC and installing ROCK is pretty much the same.


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