AUDIOPHONICS I-Sabre DAC ES9018K2M - now reviewed


Received replacement DAC. With new DietPi installation it partially works now.
24bit playback with hifiberry DAC drivers is good, but 16 bit playback is noise with some music mixed in one channel.
No driver for ES9018K2M, and no workaround yet finalised to have serial drive of 24 & 16 bit sync for ALSA (=Roon).

I received from Customer Service some modified DietPi image, that was neither installation image, nor was working properly when written on boot flash.

Looking forward to:

  1. Get from Audiophonics clear step by step instruction what SW to add to normal DietPi and required configuration changes
  2. Hope that Audiophonics will engage with DietPi directly to ensure support for Audiophonics ES9018K2M DAC
