B1218 can't access Roon

Hi @Gocubs42,

Are you experiencing any issues with your Core and Remotes in general? Processes independent of ARC and port forwarding are returning with 999 status codes in recent diagnostics. This continues back to earlier reports from several weeks ago, in your separate related thread.

If you haven’t tried since updating to 1218, try refreshing RoonServer.
Restart the Roon Server in the app and then go to the settings screen for the Roon Server and hit ‘save’ (see screenshot below)

Uninstall the Roon Server app, reinstall and restore a backup when first launching Roon on the remote

What is your FIOS router? Do you have a Verizon ONT in your setup? Note this thread.

There’s a possibility multiple issues are collaborating to create the symptoms you’re experiencing. Hopefully, full resolution of our server-side instability in the next few days will relieve things somewhat.