Cannot connect ARC, although Roon app shows ARC as being able to connect

Hi @Willie_Melville,

Have you been able to connect successfully? We’ve taken a look at diagnostics and there appears to be an attempted cellular connection to RoonServer from ARC.


I’ve not been able to connect using ARC,
Although I have tried. This is a screenshot from an attempt I’ve just made:

Hi @Willie_Melville,

Please try disabling IPv6 in the network settings of this RoonServer machine (first) and then your router (second, if that doesn’t work).

There’s currently an issue with Roon ARC’s autoconfiguration and diagnostic display on IPv6/IPv4 mixed networks. This should be resolved in the forthcoming build of ARC and Roon. For now, try limiting the network entirely to IPv4.

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Hi Connor,

Would you have instructions as to how to do this? I’ve had a search through the settings on the Roon app but can’t seem to fins any that would allow me to disable IPv6.


Hi @Willie_Melville,

This will be specific to your computer or router settings, rather than something you’d change within Roon. You’re effectively changing the format that the router and machine hosting Roon are using to talk to the internet, which creates less room for failure with reaching ARC.

Don’t worry about disabling IPv6 in your ROCK - instead, as a test, try entering the Virgin Media Hub settings and checking under the “DHCP” or “IPv6” tab if this router has any options related to “Dual-Stack” or “Native IPv6.” Try turning those off, if so.

If all of this is too complicated, another option is to wait for the upcoming release of ARC, which might contain a fix for this specific issue. You should see this announced before too long in Software Release Notes and in an in-app notification. I recommend uninstalling/reinstalling ARC after updating.

Hi Connor,

It seems that my router uses IPv4, so I guess I’ll need to wait for the update.

Thanks for your help, it’s been appreciated


Hi @Willie_Melville,

Just to verify, have you at any point hardwired your ROCK to the other router since first using ARC?

We’ve noticed in diagnostics that the port test continually passes, but ARC begins calling RoonServer shortly after connecting to cellular data and services begin to fail. ARC may have cached session information related to a previous network connection. I recommend uninstalling/reinstalling the app in the meantime with both VPNs disabled and the ROCK hardwired to the Virgin router.

This is very likely within ARC and not something specific to your setup. We’ll keep this post open until the fix has been released and investigate further with development.

Hi Connor,

I’ve deleted and reinstalled ARC but it still won’t connect via a cellular connection, but will connect on my home Wi-Fi.

Hi @Willie_Melville,

We’ve noticed that Roon Server is using a local-only IPv6 address - it has both an IPv4 and IPv6 address assigned by the router, and the latter is inaccessible outside your WiFi network.

So, we’ll need to disable IPv6 to kick ROCK back to the IPv4-only address. You should be able to find IPv6 settings in the Virgin router to disable it entirely. ARC will then cease to depend on IPv6 and use only the port-forwarded IPv4.

Hi Connor,

I’ll give that a try.

Thanks again :+1:t2: