Just installed DietPi on my Pi 2. I had previously (with great success) been using the Roon Bridge for ARM method: https://community.roonlabs.com/t/roon-bridge-for-arm-a-beginner-s-guide-to-raspberry-pi-and-cubox-i/10138/2
- Do I have to do anything before installing roon? I read something about having to install Alsa tools. Is this still a requirement?
- I am only using the Pi usb output to Mojo. I’m also curious what the optimal DietPi-Config settings for such a setup?
- After I installed DietPi, I changed the .txt file to enable WiFi before booting. But I can’t get my new Edimax EW-7811UAC to work. My older Edimax dongle that came with my RPi2 kit does work however (model no. unknown). Any thoughts?