I know you know, but just to prevent any confusion: it means favorited in Qobuz app/site or added to the library in Roon, which are equivalent states/actions. It does not have to be favorited (i.e. hearted) in Roon
To me it’s all one big library and marking something with a heart is just one of many ways to distinguish a album/track/artist/…
Again, it’s probably how you’re used to looking at it, but for someone new to Roon who is essentially having their library be the Qobuz library I don’t want to have Roon functionality limited to entries I’ve marked as favorites.
And i’m sure you’re not alone, i can see that the streaming generation are more interested in playlists, their play queue and history etc.
I couldn’t care less about the above, i only bother with my library where i collect my local media and my Qobuz favorites (not hearted, “Added to library”).
In my world, Roon is a better fit due to these basic distinctions and rules:
Music is intended to be collected and enjoyed in the form of Albums
My library is my collection of favorite music, as albums and occasional EP, single and playlist (wherever it is sourced from).
However, i’m not intending to argue with you, i see what your initial post requested. I just don’t agree that would be beneficial.
Stuff like searching for releases on a particular label and finding stuff that is not in the library, or indeed the aforementioned correct artist matching even if an artist is not yet in the library would be beneficial for “library people” as well.
Yes, there are some scenarios where i can see value also, no argument there.
However, browsing by label is missing from Qobuz API, though available by their app/web gui.
That’s why Roon can’t do it yet precisely because of the library / non-library conundrum and it will require cloud support in Roon, the point all along
After 6 years of managing streaming and my own in Roon a few months ago I culled my streaming library to focus on building my own stuff once again. Overall thats 9 years of building streaming content from first Tidal and then Qobuz. I still sub to Qobuz and will maintain it but I won’t be adding favourites or anything to my library again. But there is a need to greatly improve the barriers between what is in your library and searching beyond it.
Trust me, I’m not part of the streaming generation. I too don’t care about playlists or play queues. History I might want to take a look at, but it’s not an important concern. I have a fairly large CD collection of classical music and jazz but Qobuz appealed to me because it had nearly all my collection, at equal or better quality, and also let me find related albums as well as exposing me to new music that I’m likely to like. Roon appealed to me because it made my searches for music even easier, and did a great job of showing additional information about the music as well as related albums.
I too want a concept of My Library, to me a My Likes, to help Roon know what to look for. I just want as much as possible of the functionality of My Library to be available on the Qobuz library as well.
Finally I’d like to say that this discussion has been useful for me. It’s clarified for me both what Roon can do as well as what I want.
Now heard back from Roon Labs, and unfortunately, this is expected behaviour - a Focus cannot be saved as a Bookmark in these sections of the app.
I expected this, but many thanks for asking!
Good to know and thanks for getting the information. However I still think there’s a problem because Roon does allowed you to make a bookmark when a focus is active, regardless of where you are in the app. It should either be prohibited, or at least there should be a warning that the focus is being ignored. As is it’s very confusing.
Any chance they said when/if there will be support for saving a Focus as a bookmark in all sections of the app?