Do you consider yourself an “audiophile”?

Music lovers seeking out great sounding concerts certainly qualify as audiophiles then… they are just wiser with their money…

I would consider myself an audiophile as my experience has made me very intolerant of poor sounding live presentations. I have been spoiled by quality.

I agree, live music is the best!

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For me “audiophilia” is more about the reproduction of music. Some people are into music, some people are more into reproduction :grin:

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Without the music, there can be no re production, so the music is the source. The root, if you like… The art, the original intent…

By “altar” do you mean equipment rack? :grin:

Would you rather listen to unrelated sounds played through a state of the art system or listen to some jazz on a transistor radio.

That’s the test for me.


You could make an audio recording of me singing, but believe me that would not be music! :scream:


Apparently some people reproduce successfully even without music… :rofl:


I think that the discussion of live versus recorded music is deserving of it’s own thread.

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This is how the industry these days wants to “educate” the consumers. You’ll only find the audiophile truth in the PERSONAL experience and in many PERSONAL trials and experiments. Doing all of these involves some money, correct, but that’s way different than to believe that a 10.000s piece of gear automatically sounds better than a 5.000s one.

That’s the only real smart statement in all this thread!

For me jazz on a broken transistor radio wins every time. But I would prefer to hear it on that state of the art system.

Yes. It’s gotten now to the point where friends say “It’s not big enough, you should add more boxes”.

I’ve heard some jazz albums that qualify as unrelated sounds …


Sounds like you need to get a nice set of wireless, powered speakers and get rid of all those boxes. Seems that every week brings more choices and Roon Ready at that!

I agree, is is more of the combination of your set and not how much it’s worth. More money is not automaticly better sounding!

Absolutely! And that is my favorite kind of jazz. :yum:


Sometimes it costs more money to get rid of the boxes than to replace them !

I’m a life-long music lover who is constantly striving to make my recordings sound even more realistic to my ear.

I think that makes me an audiophile.


One way to answer this question might be to ask someone else whether this rings true:

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