Do you Q-tip your ears?

At the risk of being snotty, it may only be “off topic” to you. If it helps me and others to look after a crucial piece of listening equipment, it’s audio equipment aligned.

But, the beauty of a forum is that we all have a voice and a point of view; as Billy Preston sang “that’s life!”

Doesn’t appear to apply to ears :slight_smile:

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I once knew somebody who lived to 90 and smoked every day of their adult life therefore I deduce… :wink:

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I once crossed the road without looking! Thankfully the road was closed to traffic. Very lucky I feel.


I wonder how many didn’t survive.

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Bad idea. If you think otherwise, ask your doctor.

This advice can be applied to speakers and components with vent slots. :grin:


Absolutely don’t, I did some damage years ago with a Q-tip!!! Nothing smaller than your elbow in your ear.

Yeah, a friend of mine had the habit as well. No damage apart from the chronic one that it does, until one time something fell from the wall and startled her.

Not my problem. I am here and that’s all that counts. :+1:

I’m in the “I do it because it’s uncomfortable when my ear canal is wet” crowd, but I’ve been at a hotel for a few days and forgot Q-tips, and haven’t noticed any negative changes from leaving it be. It seems the general consensus that it’s a bad idea to Q-tip, and at best it doesn’t really help. Perhaps now is the time to break the habit!

How many survived but never lived?

How many have died, survived/never lived while wearing a seat belt, sitting in a car seat, wearing a helmet, in a car accident with air bags, etc.
Again, not my problem.

People lived after shooting themselves in the head, it’s still not recommended




As they say on the financial pages, past results are no guarantee of future performance.


You’re absolutely right :+1:

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It’s now been 2 weeks since I Q-tipped, which is the longest by far for me since I can remember, and I have noticed absolutely NO difference in sound quality during critical listening.