Docker images for Roon [Please Note: Using Dockers and VMs isn't supported by Roon]

Does anyone from Roon want to make this official? I’d be glad to help develop & test, hopefully @mikedickey would be too.

Docker Hub has an autobuild feature that can trigger off a source repo change, as well as dependent images This would help automatically pick up updated Linux images as well as new version of Roon. I know your code isn’t open source, but you could have the Dockerfile and install script on GitHub with a version-specific URL in the script. Update the script when you release a new version and Docker Hub does the rest for you.

Another approach would be to just build these images as part of your normal build & test workflow and publish the ones that pass :slight_smile: It would be a great way for experienced users to try early builds because we can roll back to an older version in a few seconds if needed.