exaSound s88 brings perfect multichannel DSD

Well, you won’t regret waiting. Is is absolutely worth it!

Hi together,
are there any news for upgraded s88 MKII from exasound for my S88? On the exasound homepage are’nt any detailed informations yet.

I sent an email back in March asking about the upgrade. The response stated the upgrade would be announced on April 1st but I have not been able to find any information.

I’m did ask to be added to a a waiting list.

Maybe they are still waiting to have a good supply of the necessary parts on hand.

If you do find out anything please post it here.

I heard back from exaSound. The components needed for the upgrade should be available later this month.

I’m guessing the upgrade path will likely be announced then.

Hi Ralf,
where can I find the switch to fas roll-off lin phase filter in the DAC chip?

I believe that is one of the new features with the Mark II. If its available on the original I’m not aware of it.

New Audio Optimization Settings allow manual selection of PCM reconstructions filters and roll-off filters.

Dont’t know if this is available in MKI as well. Generally, after updating the firmware of the s88 you can change it in the submenu “audio settings”. This is very nice, because you can change it on your Pad while listening to music.

Hi Mike & Ralf,
I have just updated my S88 to Firmware 46, but there is no submenu “audio settings” :slightly_frowning_face:
Another problem is now, that roon don’t find the S88 as an roonready device.
Any suggestions?

I can’t check to see what firmware my MK I is at or if the audio setting is available. Currently have my system unusable while I’m remodeling the living room.

Are you using Ethernet or Wi-Fi?

If you haven’t already I’d try power cycling the S88.

The settings menu for roll-off filters appear after the s88 hardware is upgrades to Mark II. Installing Image 46 alone is not going to enable this functionality.

We are waiting for some critical components to announce the s88 Mark II upgrade on our website. They should arrive any moment now.

Hello everybody.

after sending the s88 to exasound, they repaired the LAN-in and make a upgrade to MK II.
Now it is the s88 MK II and the top sound is back home.

My S88 is currently in the shop, sent earlier this week. I’d hoped to get it in and back while the sound system location in our Living Room was being remodeled and it appears the timing is just about right. Crews are scheduled to finishing painting the space today, then I can start putting things back together tomorrow and be prepared for the return.

Edit: The S88 MK II arrived today. That was quick, dropped of at FedEx the last week in June and it’s back on July 8th. So maybe 10 days for the round trip. It will be a few days before I get the system back together and try it out.

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Hi Ralf, have you experimented with any more of the S88 filters or are you set on fas roll-off lin phase?

I got my MK II back a few weeks ago and getting around to trying the filters out now.

Hi Mike,

for me the linphase sounds the best!

Cheers, Ralf

Hi, is anyone using the s88 in a multichannel active speaker setup? with convolution crossovers? that could chime in with their experiences.

I currently use a Motu MK5 Ultralite, and have been exploring possible Roon certified solutions.

My signal path is:

JBL M2’s. Active speaker setup, running 2x2 DSP convolution active crossovers via Roon.

Front End:
Intel NUC S4 running Roon Rock > (USB) > Raspberry Pi4b >(USB) > Intona 7055-B > (USB) > Motu Mk5 Ultralite 10 channel DAC

3x NAD c298 amplifiers operate in low gain
Amp 1, Runs in stereo feeding JBL D2430K L&R Compression drivers
Amp 2, Bridged output to first JBL 2216ND woofer
Amp 3, Bridged output to second JBL 2216ND woofer

Thanks in advance