Have you seen the Sonore SonicOrbiter SE, as an endpoint?

Sorry, but I’ve got to post this…

I ordered a SonicOrbiter SE, arrived this afternoon. And I’m taking a few moment’s to pass along early impressions from my first listening session, which is still in progress. And I won’t be long, because I can’t wait to get back to the music!

I’ve been playing “From the Mountaintop” by the New Appalachians (24/196) and Anonymous 4 “American Angels” DSD, and it is staggering, it sounds so good! It is the best sound that I have heard from my system EVER. And I’m no audio spring chicken.

Granted, I’m using a new USB cable that cost about as much as the SonicOrbiter SE. And I’m playing the music from the SonicOrbiter SE in “RoonReady” mode. So maybe the wondrous sound I’m hearing is all about RAAT. Fine. It could be either. Or both. But I’m posting because if RAAT were the bee’s knees, and my new USB cable was 'da bomb, it would not make ANY difference if the SonicOrbiter SE could not pass along those benefits to my ears. And it does! Wow.

So, I’m going to conclude, if only because I’m dying to get back to listening to the tunes. But I thought it was worth passing along a first impression…

Happy listening.