Headphones thread (show us yer cans)!

Elear is a well regarded headphone. Clear is being discontinued. They are available for under $1K in the US.

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I use these 3 as needed. With the bluetooth models I use the Wavelet application with my Android cell phone with very good results


I took a step back from “new gen” DACs and bought this sweet Heed Trio
Canalot Amp
Dactilus DAC
QPSU lineal power supply

Fed by Allo Digione signature mounted on USB bridge.

Very happy so far :slight_smile:


With a new pair of Focal Clear MGs, and my ZMF Aeolus on order, I’m looking to get my first tube amp.

The ZMF Pendent seems ideal but I’m finding it hard to justify a $2500 amp to drive a headphone collection that combined costs that much.

So, being reasonable, I’m looking into tube amps around $1000 or so. The Feliks Echo MK II seems to be a good match for both the Focal and ZMF, but I’m wondering if anyone has a sure-fire recommendation. I guess a noise floor would be a constant bother to me, but essentially I’m looking for a classic “tubey” experience and wondering what I can do with my $1000 to get it.

Any recommendations would be appreciated - thanks!

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I’ve never heard anything better than these RAAL-Requisite SR1a. My favorite ever headphones by a wide margin.


Are you using their amp or the Schiit?

They look like something out of Mad Max … interesting. :relaxed:

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I’m using the Schiit amp. RAAL’s amp looks like a cash grab, to me.

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Mmmm… full freefield ear speakers. I’ve been curious about these for a while.

roon > Metrum Ambre i2s > Metrum Adagio (dac3 modules) > diy First Watt F7 > Susvara

My end game rig, sounds just sublime.


Doesn’t look too shabby either :+1:t2:

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… still waiting for my Adagio to be upgraded :cry:

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I’d be interested to hear whether you find the dac3 modules to be a decent upgrade

you bought it new, recently, with the new modules already in place?

Yes it came with the dac3 modules installed, first unit in the UK I think…although I should add it’s just on loan for now :slight_smile:

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Nice. I would agree. Love mine, and I love that they don’t clamp my head. I had the Schitt amp but now have the RAAL Requisite amp, which I prefer.

I am totally digging this combo. Rockna Wavelight to Denafrips Athena pre to Apollon stereo 1et400a power amp driving Susvara. It is the best I’ve heard the Susvara so far. The Athena easily outclasses the inbuilt pre in the rockna as well as the WA33 headphone amplifier in pre mode.


As a follow-up to this post, my Focal Clear headphones have indeed broken in and now sound great with or without the convolution filters I have. They sound so good, I’m wondering if I should sell my Drop + Dan Clark Audio AEON Open X Headphones. I’m not sure I’ll ever use them again.


Do you find the Verite and Utopias similar sounding? I have read a couple of reviews lately that say the Utopia may squeeze out just a bit more micro-detail but that the Verites come very close but have a better bottom end and midrange and more enjoyable. I have heard the Utopia plenty of times but not the Verite Opens. Just curious about your opinion

Hope there are some Oppo users here.
Looking at buying a new pair of Oppo PM2 cans, most review seem very favourable.
Or decent alternative in that price range?