Hi-Fi Rack Placement.... a Myth?

Who is into Feng Shui. Maybe they have an answer?

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Is that an upcoming Chinese HiFi company? :joy: :+1:

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If you think your rack placement affects SQ, then it probably does. I would find a way to put it somewhere that you don’t think it will, then it won’t.


Update 2: to get the best possible soundstage and imaging, I’ve decided to put my hi-fi rack to the side wall… here’s an example.

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But why on earth should that result in a better soundstage and imaging?

Planning ahead, slowly but surely! Hi-fi rack coming in soon.

I’ve done an end run around the rack issue by getting rid of it. :smiley:

My main system is a Naim Uniti Atom attached to a pair of Quad 2912’s. There’s a hard drive tucked behind it. That’s it. Done…

In my system in the shop, I’ve built a Uniti Atom sort of streamer driving a pair of Quad 2805’s. No rack there either.


Hello everyone, happy New Year!
My Hifi rack has finally arrived after 2 months of waiting patiently. I can hear a better soundstage and image, quite flabbergasted to be honest.


Stunning! Well done!

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So much in the HIFi world revolves around ones eyes and and mindset. If it is in the middle, which to me is visually appealing. I do prefer it not to be to much in height, at least lower than the mid and upper range speakers.