I lost faith in ARC

My argument is that everyone’s fees are pooled, and all features are free for everyone. Seems like a sensible model to me. It’s the same in many applications like Office etc. I don’t want to imagine the support nightmare if individual features only work after enabling them and paying for them.

Roon have said, by the way, that metadata is amongst their biggest expenses.

In the end, Roon chooses how the license works and one can take it or leave it. Much like most apps.

That’s a different argument and of course ARC should be improved. Maybe for certain internet configurations it can never work, but e.g. DSD will never really work with my DAC, either.

There is, by the way, an open feature suggestion for a tiered license model. As you can see, out of 10 people, 10 will want their individual slices. I can’t see that working for many reasons, but you can add your vote for it:

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