Importing local libraries to Roon - a round-up article

Yeah - tbh it would also be better if they imported Discogs. I realise the quality is typically not as good as MB/Rovi but they do have a lot more data.

Also, it’s a shame MBIDs can’t be used as more deterministic identifiers. AIUI, even with an MBID if track durations are missing in MB Roon has a harder job of identifying the release.

In the past, when dealing with crowd sourced databases, I’ve just had to build an acknowledgement that data might be missing into scoring/matching algorithms. For example, on OneMusicAPI we have divergent scoring algorithms based on whether durations are specified. The score is never as confident without durations, but if other deterministic identifiers are in place that can still be “good enough”.

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Yes, Roon is saving MBIDs and rovi ID’s to its library but only after identification. If you export the library to an Excel sheet, those IDs are also saved (in this way you can know what was the metadata source for every identified album). However it will not look at MBIDs if already present in the files, exported metadata for unidentified albums will not include external IDs even if those files were successfully identified in Picard and already contain MBID TAGs. It’s a pity really because many albums remain unidentified even if they are present on MusicBrainz but there are a few track duration mismatches for example… Manually identifying them is enough to find the right choice as the first one in the list of proposals and accept it, but this requires manual action for thousands of albums, otherwise properly tagged…

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Do you begin the Album tag with release year? If so, thats an effective way of confusing Roon, whose matching capabilities are not perfect to begin with.

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Sounds good - but it seems that the SW just fix problems that is not a problem. I just bought 250 fixes and run an album cover test.

Its adding a image named “cover” that is already in the folder - “Folder” - but it is the same image.

I some cases even the same size:

(It might be better to continue this on our own support system as Roon might not want to support other software developers’ support efforts!)

My guess is that the missing cover art rule is configured to save a cover file as well as embedding. If you don’t already have a cover file that means a file will be created, using the existing artwork found (likely that which is embedded).

Maybe you should set it to Folder if that’s the consistent cover art filename?

Yes, I always do, and I don’t allow Roon to replace it because that’s how I like to see my albums listed. But it’s not an issue for most of the albums as Roon knows to do substring matching (as you can see I have 24000 albums properly identified even if they contain [year] in the name). The ones that don’t get properly identified are the ones where track durations don’t match perfectly, even if they are known on MusicBrainz. That’s where identification by MBID / AcoustID would be very handy as those differences would not matter anymore.

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