Increase or decrase Volume via Http API?

No problem on the timing and no rush as this is early stage for me.I’m using http. It did occur to me that converting the change_volume function to expect a ‘how’ query string with the possible options of absolute, relative or relative-step then using req.query[how] in place of the word “absolute” might do it?

Sorry meant to add that I just haven’t had a chance to try that approach yet but will in the next 24 hours

Hi @Marcus_Russell,

I’ve updated the http repository to add change_volume_relative call to change the volume relative to current value.
You can take a look at the readme file on how to use it.

Hope this help.
– bastian

thank you very much indeed @St0g1e - very fast work - I will try it out.


Hi @St0g1e
That’s just the ticket once I realised I needed to add either a positive or negative sign(!)
Many thanks and great work