Increased presence of support staff

I think it does help to complain vocally and visibly. I’m not getting any attention otherwise. I have responded only on those threads that are appropriate, so your “scattergun” comment is unwarranted.

Intentions need to be demonstrated. So far, I have had no good intentions displayed by the customer support organization. They have been slow to respond. They provided inadequate and incomplete information. They show no signs of urgency when my Roon system would be completely down due to this failure (I did not inform them of my backup device initially).

I don’t know why you think things will improve under the Harman flag. In your experience, have you really seen things improve under large multinational corporations? I haven’t. Instead, I’ve seen lots of startups and small companies get swallowed by large, soulless companies only to have their MBAs run things into the ground.

As I pointed out, my system is up and running through my own initiative and diligence, getting no useful help from support. The replacement power supply I ordered on Feb 15 has still not shipped. We’re nearly at the 1 week mark just for it to ship. I can hardly wait to see how long it takes to arrive once shipped. I will definitely be posting about this as time goes by.

You ask that I cut them slack due them having a small support team. I’m afraid I can’t do that in this case. This is a critical failure that makes my device unusable. I offered a simple solution that would take them almost no time to implement: send me a replacement power supply. Instead, they fall back on policy, saying that I need to return the bad power supply before they will ship me a replacement. I can only imagine how much time THAT would add to this debacle, perhaps another week for my supply to make it their shop?

I provide this feedback not just to complain but to try to encourage change. But all along the way I am confronted by poor support and apologists in the forums. They could salvage this by simply sending me a replacement via express shipping. No, I didn’t request express shipping when I purchased my replacement because they wanted $180 for that. $180?!?! That’s absurd. An item that small should easily be sent via 2 day shipping for a much more reasonable cost. If they were interested in good customer service, they would make their power supplies available on Amazon, which would easily allow me to get it in 2 days. But that would likely ruin the company since they would make less profit on this $30 part (sarcasm intended).

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