Installation of RoonServer on a QNAP NAS?

I was positively surprised to have RoonServer “running” on QNAP TS-869PRO (latest QTS4.2.something) - i was afraid it would not be even binary compatible with this Intel Atom D2700 based QNAP.
I had to copy few 64bit libraries which were missing on QNAP and setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH in few Roon scripts. However although mono is running and Roon inside it, it is not able to DNS resolve anything (thus not even able to register with Roon login and password):

04/19 08:05:15 Info: Starting RoonServer v1.2 (build 123) stable on linuxx64
04/19 08:05:15 Trace: Checking if we are already running
04/19 08:05:15 Trace: Nope, we are the only one running
04/19 08:05:15 Info: Is 64 bit? True
04/19 08:05:15 Info: Command Line Argument: -watchdogport=44021
04/19 08:05:15 Info: [media] resolved oop decoder to /usr/bin/ffmpeg
04/19 08:05:15 Trace: [realtime] fetching time from NTP server
04/19 08:05:16 Warn: [realtime] failed to get time: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Could not resolve host ‘
at System.Net.Dns.Error_11001 (System.String hostName) <0x40bc13b0 + 0x0005f> in :0
at System.Net.Dns.GetHostByName (System.String hostName) <0x40b45f50 + 0x0005f> in :0
at System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry (System.String hostNameOrAddress) <0x40b41470 + 0x00087> in :0
at Sooloos.RealTime._FetchTimeFromServer (Base.ResultCallback`1 cb) [0x00044] in /home/roon/roon/RoonApp/realtime.cs:216
04/19 08:05:16 Info: [broker] starting 254e6b05-7131-418d-aeae-48cd480a0806
04/19 08:05:16 Info: [broker/locations] added location ‘Internet Media’ (Type=Internet) [e268f098-04c4-4e65-af3f-38ba3c3fcecb]
04/19 08:05:16 Info: [broker/locations] Status changed: ‘Internet Media’ (Type=Internet) [e268f098-04c4-4e65-af3f-38ba3c3fcecb] is online
04/19 08:05:16 Info: [broker/locations] added location ‘Metadata Service’ (Type=MetadataService) [13769258-b70b-4243-b1d6-bd46e8257ba8]
04/19 08:05:16 Info: [broker/locations] Status changed: ‘Metadata Service’ (Type=MetadataService) [13769258-b70b-4243-b1d6-bd46e8257ba8] is online
04/19 08:05:16 Info: [broker/locations] added location ‘Offline’ (Type=Offline) [f1e4b43f-f643-47ba-b875-fd93b32a6006]
04/19 08:05:16 Info: [broker/locations] location ‘Offline’ (Type=Offline) [f1e4b43f-f643-47ba-b875-fd93b32a6006] is offline
04/19 08:05:16 Trace: [broker/backups] initializing
04/19 08:05:16 Trace: [broker/accounts] file not found
04/19 08:05:16 Info: [broker/accounts] Data updated. AccountStatus=NoAccountConfigured MachineStatus=NeedsAccount
04/19 08:05:17 Info: [libraryapi] loaded first run time 4/18/2016 10:12:31 PM
04/19 08:05:17 Info: [transport/raatserver] [runner] Start or Connect…
04/19 08:05:17 Info: ConnectOrStartAndWaitForExit RAATServer
04/19 08:05:17 Info: [remoting] loaded protocol hash 2eddc8021dc28a66b04dbc666ee4a702fa604f7e from /share/MD0_DATA/Web/Roon/RoonServer/Appliance/Roon.Broker.Api.Remote.dll
04/19 08:05:17 Info: connected to watchdogport: 44021
04/19 08:05:17 Info: [transport/raatserver] [runner] Status: Started
04/19 08:05:17 Debug: [SOOD] Setting up unicast connection
04/19 08:05:17 Trace: [brokerserver] Enabling broker server
04/19 08:05:17 Debug: [SOOD] Setting up multicast connection
04/19 08:05:17 Info: [broker/distributed] HTTP server listening on port 9100
04/19 08:05:17 Debug: [SOOD] Setting up multicast SEND connection
04/19 08:05:17 Info: [broker/distributed] Remoting server listening on port 9101
04/19 08:05:17 Debug: [SOOD] Setting up multicast connection
04/19 08:05:17 Debug: [SOOD] Setting up multicast SEND connection
04/19 08:05:17 Trace: [httpcache] loaded 0 cache entries from /root/.RoonServer/Cache/httpcache_2.db, current: 0mb / 128mb
04/19 08:05:17 Trace: [geoip] GET
04/19 08:05:17 Trace: [library] endmutation in 21ms
04/19 08:05:17 Info: [music] first pass through media thread is done
04/19 08:05:17 Info: [loadstatus] IsLibraryLoading True => False
04/19 08:05:17 Info: [transport] initializing
04/19 08:05:17 Info: [loadstatus] IsTransportLoading True => False
04/19 08:05:17 Info: [loadstatus] IsStartup True => False
04/19 08:05:17 Warn: Error in web request NetworkError (Error: NameResolutionFailure)
04/19 08:05:49 Info: watchdogport GOT GOER-PING#7
04/19 08:05:55 Info: watchdogport GOT GOER-PING#8

From Qnap command line the DNS resolution works OK:
[/share/MD0_DATA/Web/Roon/RoonServer] # nslookup

[/share/MD0_DATA/Web/Roon/RoonServer] #

I seems this is very close to have it running, however I am now stuck with this DNS resolution issue (i guess it is some incompatibility on library level) and really hope this can be fixed by the RoonLabs folks