Installation of RoonServer on a QNAP NAS?

Could you provide a screenshot of your storage settings in Roon?
Also, If you add your files as local folders you need to click on the “local folder” button at the bottom of the “add-storage-window” when adding it in roon.

Thanks, Christopher. Somehow the top works, the bottom entry never sees files. I had to chance the capitalization of the top folder on my Windows to make it work on the QNAP

If “media” is your shared folder and “Music” is a subdirectory containing your music collection, your local path on QNAP should be:


Aha! Thanks, Christopher. Brilliant. That did the trick!

Getting some “insufficient ramdisk space” messages. Could these be related to the RoonServer? I’ve got 32GB which I thought should be plenty. In fact the Windows machine had only 16GB and don’t think had problems.

Perhaps RamDisk means something else from what I think?

Try to reboot your QNAP. The device stores for example temporary files on the RamDisk.
I set up the qpkg that nothing should be stored on there and I can’t check easily remotely how it got filled up. After a reboot it should be empty again.

I tried rebooting, but it hasn’t come back up :sweat:

Hard reset did the trick. Don’t know what happened…

By hard reset you mean, pulling the plug or pressing the “reset” button?

Holding the power button until it turns off

Followed the directions and everything is up and running great. Thanks for your work Chris.

Just for data, I have a 251+ with 8gb and a 64GB Samnsung Fit (only 130 MB/s transfer speed) in the USB 3.0 slot on the back for the database.

Still running strong without any problems. Thanks so much for your work, crieke!!

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