Let's talk about what's Moving and Grooving you today [2023-03]

Spent the day organising a few short train breaks during April. Next week it’s a trip to Porthmadog / Portmeirion / Black Rock Sands…including a visit to Cob Records. :sunglasses:

End of the month we’re off to Harrogate / Knaresborough. Bargain return train journey cost of £12.


edit: sorry, wasn’t meant to comment on @wideopensource. No idea what happened!


I’ll try to leave that on an endpoint. Transferring the queue was 30 seconds :slight_smile:. I’ll check tomorrow


No worries, Robyn Hitchcock is the Soft Boys.
File under R.



@Michael_Harris aka the Zen Master
Can Zen Stream play ALAC files? (I know HQP does only if used with roon, alone does not support alac) Showing (off) your Roon setup - description and photos - #3706 by Cantodea Not really sure about the question. RAAT sends uncompressed PCM/DSD so the compression is handled by roon?

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You mean can you stream ALAC files from Roon to the Zen Stream
Yes you can but doesn’t Roon convert it to FLAC to Stream it (ALAC is basically the same thing as as FLAC, just Apple had to invent their own version)

I see you updated your question with the answer :grin:

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Getting a great run going tonight :+1:

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Wasn’t my question :slight_smile:
But Thank you

I was supposing that Roon makes the decoding in to something. I searched yesterday if HQP can do ALAC and Jussi answer was “only with Roon”.

Editting again: Do you have any idea if Roon to HQP is RAAT? Maybe it is as you can specify an IP for HQP in roon

Ah ok I thought it was a strange question from you :grin:
So if you play Airplay from an Apple device is that not streamed as ALAC IF 16/44

There’s a lot of detail in the answer and I am not sure what the truth of it is

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I don’t know, but I don’t think it uses RAAT

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Well, I’ve worked out I have approx 10950 days left on this orb of sod. Based on an average of 6 hours a day of music listening, that’s 65700 hours of music.

Based on my calcs, that’ll equate to around 87000 albums (give or take).

At the rate I’m adding new albums to my Tidal library, I’m screwed. :crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy::rofl: I won’t get to listen to them all.

My library equates to 16 days nonstop. I better get browsing.

Edit: I was wrong, 90 days

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You may find the answer in this thread from a while ago.

If not, reach out to support.

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I think there is a limit to that. I’m scared by that limit.

Once I read about Umberto Eco having a huge library. He said that he needs more than 1 life to read all but does not plan to read them, he likes using his library like an encyclopaedia.

Maybe it is just an excuse for track hoarding.


That’s posh Yorkshire right there, well Betty’s in Harrogate is for sure, enjoy.



It seems you have created a hydra monster here brother :rofl:

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I couldn’t even afford to drive through Harrogate!


I don’t drink tea or coffee, so Betty’s is not a problem :sunglasses:. To be fair, Harrogate seems like a visually nice place to use as a base. I’m more interested in Knaresborough (Petrifying Well etc). Wouldn’t mind taking a trip out to Brimham Rocks, but it looks a bit remote, seeing as we’ll be using public transport. Looking forward to it.


This is an exciting prospect after 10 years of radio silence:

Queuing this to celebrate, unlistened to albums can wait until tomorrow: