As long as the Captain doesn’t have to go down with the ship though
Have you tried the Beyond Meat burgers? A bit pricey, but they are the best we have tried. We get them from ASDA.
Can’t say have but I’ll have a quick google (mrs pixelpopper immediately complaining they look very “meaty” )
AWOL or launched a takeover and then aborted as they realised that the captain had emptied the vaults
I have that on vin…
Ah…so the natives are revolting
Here we bloody go…
He’s back and spouting vin…
Who’s Vin?
My alter ego…Vin Diesel
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Who is this?
What have you done with our Lewis??
Who? Oh him! Err! It’s that time of the month. It’s Sheila tonight.
Just been a busy and tiring past few weeks. My brain and mouth are having a time out.
I was pleasantly surprised by their previous album ‘Impermanence’ back in 2021, so I was very much looking forward to hearing this album.
Well, I am not disappointed! The guitar work is just awesome. Absolute killer.
Last one from me tonight. My fave oddball album. Heavily recommended
Proper Friday night garage punk.
Original 1985 CD which has a DR of 14 and sounds better than any later re-release. A must get.
It’s Friday and it’s raining loads here in the UK. Aquaplaning at 60mph on our (terrible drainage) motorways is a pure delight
Trees of Peace has a great bass line, a warbling deep bass and at the right volume in a small space (my van) makes your tummy feel weird