This is dope though:
It is indeed. I’ve got time for one more before bed and it’s a toss up between this and one of the Ex Hex albums. The only albums I don’t have are the two Helium ones. I suspect that may change soon.
I went for the retro magnificence of this one. I’ll go to bed buzzing!
I only discovered Ex Hex a few weeks back when I bought a vinyl in a bargain bin sale.
Pretty impressed!
Welcome back chief.
When a man visits a town so small that most of the population is probably related, it’s a little concerning when he goes awol.
Maybe I should have said I
I did but open box Mini-i 4 and that saved £150
Lots of second hand vinyl too
Viva Las Vegas
ARC did me proud on the flight for 7 of the 10 hours (listened to an audiobook for the rest)
I wish they would fix offline artwork though
You made it to Utah?
That’s even more worrying…
No I made it to Vegas after 23 hours of travel.
Driving up to Utah in the morning after we call in to valley of fire state park on the way for a mini hike to get us going.
Have a great trip!
Valley of fire is a beautiful drive, also the Virgin River Gorge starts around the Utah state line. I’ve got some family and friends that live in St George and Hurricane Utah.
Stay to the right lane when you get out on the north side of Vegas heading towards Utah, the locals will run up around a hundred miles per hour out there.
Have a great time Michael.
Thank you for the tip as well.
I will check that out
What happened for the other 3 hours?
Answered my own question once I read on
Have a good trip, safe travels etc