Instruction manual = Last Resort
very exemplary!
I normally do not read them. Real men need no instructions! (Sorry Matthias!)
A fair point indeed. I can’t understand why Roon seems to be introducing new features, such as folder browsing, without sorting out the ever increasing pile of bugs! I understand that a number of people want file browsing, and other new features, and I’m not against that at all. It’s just that with every new feature there’s potential for even more bugs and questionable implementation. The most annoying thing is that Roon developers seem to have a code of silence when it comes to updating us on some of the long standing problems.
The problem with bugs is, eventually, they bite everybody on the arse: customers, staff and owners alike!
The 80s continue though Annie Lennox is more of just another instrument on this rather than The Instrument she was to become on later albums.
Nice floaty track though.
actually I have a problem fixing the cable of the w-lan antenna at the board, trying since 2hours🤮
Did they send you the right parts?
#463: Great. Freaking. Album.
I checked the distance to come and visit you, luckily for you, you and your record collection are quite safe
After being awake for about 20 hours I felt intelligent enough to listen to some of Sapiens.
Being overtired is not good for the brain and it’s understanding of its current capabilities
I should have known.
It’s the last one of theirs that I want on vinyl and the most difficult to get without paying silly money. You sir have an amazing vinyl collection
Just lucky, like most vinyl at the time it was released it was pretty cheap compared to today.
Fair, but maintaining them over such long term was decidedly not luck. Kudos to you and your kindred for that!
True and this issue is getting worse with each new version they release.
#464: Another band I am unfamiliar with, at least by name.
Great band. Weren’t afraid to question the politics.
Don’t see that one listed on this album. Bookmarked for later.
Only a few tracks in. It has an industrial tinge to it. Liking them thus far.