Moderation in MQA Threads

I’m wondering how fast most MQA threads in this forum are fastly dying out because of

Looking forward to it!

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I want my MQA discussions ! And I want it now!!


Danny done turned woke!

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Because everything that can be said about MQA has already been said. No point in repetition and endless circular arguments.


While you probably didn’t mean it that way (or did you?) - your message implies that if someone doesn’t agree with you they are wrong and need to be “educated”. And you’ll either not listen to them or try to change their view.

That’s entirely the problem.

Please read the whole thread that I was discussing and you may get the full meaning. It was regarding toxicity from others and part of a discussion. I’m sorry you read it in isolation and took the wrong meaning from it.

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Just been flagged/moderated again for a post regarding MQA’s financial viability - that it will conquer the world or fail and vanish into obscurity and expressing a personal preference for the latter.

No malice intended. Tidal/MQA seem to be conspiring to limit choice. MQA is a compromised/lossy format. I have no desire to see it become the only ‘hi-res’ streaming format available.

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MQA’s financial viability has previously been discussed in detail, thus your post brought nothing new to the discussion.

You have stated your opinion on MQA multiple times, so again adds nothing to the discussion.

It’s these non constructive regurgitative posts that perpetuate the “tit for tat” posting rallies that mask the interesting discussion points.

I don’t see that as a valid reason for post removal, but then again, I find many flags puzzling.

A lot of it comes down to moderator preference.


‘multiple times’? So I comment more than once and get moderated? Yet there are MQA proponents who post hundreds of times extolling the ‘virtues’ of MQA who seem to avoid moderation.

Give me a break, Carl.


I think you may be underestimating just how much discussion takes place in the moderators group on policy and how how to deal with flag posts so we operate constantly.

Carl, as we have discussed previously, I would disagree with you on that specific point.

I don’t need to elaborate further.

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I too, would disagree on the consistency of moderation in the community.


I’m with Carl on this MQA stuff. There is nothing left to say IMHO. Let’s talk about music, kit, and pets, and I just had two post removed. So what?

Jim, I don’t entirely agree. The situation has changed with regard to MQA recently. Tidal is pulling non-MQA formats across its platforms and limiting choice. Attempts to objectively show MQA’s technical shortcomings/marketing exaggerations have been aggressively silenced/censored.

Should we not be talking about this stuff?


That’s simply not true, just read the MQA topics, the arguments are there both pro and con.

What is being clamped down on is the repeated axe-grinding (again both pro and con) and this is on any topic not just MQA.

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That video was posted here at least 10 times by different people. Some were left, some were deleted.

Carl, my comments here have been misconstrued - they were not a reference to Roon. They were in relation to Goldensound’s attempts to objectively show MQA’s shortcomings being pulled from Tidal.


Just ignore the topics that don’t interest you and participate in the topics that do…

It’s really not that hard.

Nobody (except mods) is being forced to read topics that don’t interest them…


Yup. Although I come here occasionally for that sort of watching a train wreck in slow motion kind of hit. I think I will set my graduate students on here for an abject lesson in how not to construct a cohesive argument :man_facepalming:.

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