MQA disappointing

Spectrum analysis from files from the 2L Benchmark site
(Track = “Come Away Death”)
credits: Mansr

[The measurements shown in the post were redacted by their original author due technical error. We have removed the charts to reduce the potential for confusion. See this comment for more info and a link to the original post containing the charts.]

  1. Why there is a noise band (big band of fog) still present AFTER decoding?
    I understand it can be there before decoding (mqa signalling) but why is it still there
    if the “unfolding” job is supposed to be done?

  2. Also the original had lots of peaks up to 40k.
    In mqa there is much less high-frequency content than in the original file.
    There’s a smattering of artefacts at the top of the frequency range.

This fog is NOT there in the original DSD
=> This looks very LOSSY

Mqa was good in this era:

It’s become obsolete already. We don’t need lossy formats any more.

Listening to 24/192 Qobuz now… a track streams in less than 5 seconds.
And it sounds more open, more natural, more details, deblurred, etc.
And I’m not comparing with 16/44, no I’m comparing with mqa !

And Warner knows it as they continue releasing all those beautiful 24/96 and 24/192s on Qobuz !

What A joy !