If anybody wants to connect ZS directly to the roon core.
For sure it works faster. Before I was connecting all in a switch (about 20m away), sometimes it was slow (when I was using upsampling to 125DoP).
I bought a USB-c to ethernet and connected with that the Mac mini roon core to the rest of the network (the switch). And from the Mac mini ethernet port I connected a 25cm cable to the ZS. Had to manually config ips for core ethernet (not the dongle) and for ZS. The downside is that the ZS it is no longer available on the main network, but I was using only ZS in roon mode anyway so for me it is the same.
It is an upgrade in speed clearly. Maybe is just my mind but 5% upgrade in SQ (ZS from Mac mini usb was 20%)
Next it will be to insert optical in the link between Roon Core and ZS
Thanks to @DanielAvasilichioaei here he posted all the config: Can a PC running Roon Core with dual network outlets be connected direct to my Lumin streamer? - #14 by DanielAvasilichioaei