Not impressed so far

never saw a follow up post by the OP regarding loading his full collection and the outcome?


Hopefully, everything resolved well…

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I believe why the thread has become disappointing is because Room really isn’t the prototype piece of software you suggest. I’d venture to say it has crossed into the realm of ‘mature’ software. If you look at almost all pieces of large software, once it is mature it becomes dull. Not to say Roon is dull (I’m a lifetime member and love it!!), but the forums become dull as there is little to talk about.

Yes there is room to fix the little GUI quirks, on board MQA, refine the DSD capability, fix broken meta data and enhance the searching & grouping. It’s almost like the iPhone - a slightly better camera with each new release and a little juggling of the UI, but otherwise nothing really new.

Seems like these days the only real volume of discussion is over Tidal integration, which seems to me mostly user errors in setting it up.

So I see disappointing forums & discussions as a sign of maturity. And maturity equals boring, always does.

Thanks for the reply. To me prototype vs mature is more a state of mind. You are right - mature software does tend to be dull, and updates tend to be tweaks. It is like the iPhone, and the iPhone these days has lost a lot of it’s shine (I still use one, but I used to upgrade every year… now I go 2 or so because the incremental difference is pretty negligible and in features that don’t bother me with my current one). Subscription software is the same - there are other products looking to do the same. Some will imitate. Some will innovate. Hence why I was glad Roon didn’t get involved - I hope that they DO regard it as a prototype, because then their attitude is that they can keep pushing the bounds. If they regard it as mature, then I think the novelty of it may wear off (for some) in time. As a “lifer” I have a vested interest in them pushing the boundaries.

What is disappointing is the ganging up on people. I really don’t think the OP came here to troll or cause trouble. I may be wrong. He expressed an opinion and it is great people got passionate about it. But it ended up the Posse that ran him out of town (it seems). Saddle up your horses… The accusation was he was trolling. To me the responses are bullying. Not sure anyone walks away with the high ground.

There are enough forums like that. NwAvGuy anyone? I don’t want to see this forum go the same way. It is about a piece of software we are invested in. I searched today for metadata and this thread came up, but there are a fair few now that seem to follow a similar vein. Kill the forums, and Roon loses part of its appeal. We have a vested interest in folks being welcome here.

If you’re starved for fireworks and passion then venture in to the threads here on MQA. Those tend to come close to Religion & Politics - people believe what they believe and there is nothing you can say or do to change their minds. And they’ll fight you to their last dying breath to prove their right. :slight_smile: Disclosure: I did participate. :smiley:

For me I just want stability. I feel Roon has checked most of the boxes and as long as the product remains stable (and supported!!) I will remain happy.

For me Roon has brought me back to the days (loooong ago) of sitting around the dorm room, searching thru crates of albums and reading the album sleeve while listening. Yes Roon still has a bit of a way to go to give me the real album sleeve words and artistry but I feel it is working itself there. Listening to music has become real fun again. It’s all at my fingertips, easy to browse and fun to listen.

I still have quite a bit to learn about its DSP abilities and whether I want to use it (I prefer not tweaking the stream and let the equipment do its thing, but DSP is intriguing, I need some time to play with it). But otherwise I’m happy with the now dullness of it. Enrich the meta data and I’ll be even happier being dull. :smile:


@rayski - thanks for your thoughts and insights. I think we are looking for different things out of Roon the product and the company. But I still enjoyed reading your thoughts. It is interesting to get other perspectives and to get how people use the product (and are wanting to). For one thing you write of reading the album sleeve while listening. Whereas for me when I listen, I switch off. I don’t want distractions. What I do want - and where I do want the content and metadata - is discoverability. For some folks that means discoverability of their library. I tend to stream everything these days - even things I’ve previously bought. I have an attic full of Vinyl and CDs - the vinyl I listen to because, well, it’s vinyl. The CDs? I ripped them once upon a time… but don’t use the rips. I just go online and stream. And Tidal is about discovering new things - so that’s where I’m interested in the story behind the music. I guess this is where we should start insulting each other for being “wrong” :smiley:

For DSP I did get filters done by homeaudiofidelity (there’s a thread on here about it) - that was an eye opening experience.

A positive one? :slight_smile:

Absolutely. I’m not keen on processing the sound - the threads about different audio qualities and lossless - it seems bizarre to then take it and apply tons of effects on it. Bit like sticking a pickup on an acoustic guitar and putting it through a stomp box of pedals and then saying “it doesn’t sound like the original”. Then again we live in the era of auto tune for vocals :).

But the room correction that Thierry did was fantastic. If you have a well treated room and expensive kit you may get less out of it. But sub optimal room and equipment - it is pretty mind blowing.

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Awesome - sounds like my setup. I’m waiting to get my Kefs replaced, run in and then I will be doing some measurements for Thierry.

What Kefs are you getting? My room is a living room with fish tank and the system is set up for movies, not listening to music. It’s a Sony AV amp and the old kef egg speakers. They work well but the filters have taken it to the next level. So much so that when I work from home I sit in there now even though my office is more comfortable for work - I’ll take the discomfort for the better sound :slight_smile:

time to shake things up…


The LS50 Wireless.