Nucleus plus as insurance for the future

Just came across this thread

Some people partial to a bit of snake oil it seems!

I have two ‘go to’ PSU’s. One linear, the other switched mode. What is essential is the noise they put back into the mains because my core is alongside my main HiFi.

On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate the improvement in SQ Henry?

What are the PSU’s and what do you do you attach them to?

The improvement in SQ is minimal. On its own it probably doesn’t amount to much but together with everything else I am doing it is contributing to an overall improvement. PSU’s are a Farad Super 3 (expensive) and a 10 amp capacity 12v switched mode brick.

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I’ve got an HDPlex 200 running my Nucleus. I didn’t notice any improvement in sound quality. But I’m a tweaker so I always have an open mind.

Forgive my ignorance David, but if not improving SQ what is the HDPlex actually doing then?

I’ll answer telling you what my HDPlex is (and just as importantly, isn’t) doing.
It is powering three different devices at the cost of one mains connection.
It is delivering that power cleanly and safely.
It isn’t injecting noise back into the mains supply.

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Thanks Henry, good explanation.

It replaces wall warts which I don’t like. TBH, I jumped on the LPS bandwagon to see if it improved anything. It didn’t in my case but I won’t argue with others who say it does.

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So I finally bit the bullet and ordered up a USB module for the Lyngdorf amp.
Ordered it via dealer and opted to fit it myself rather than take amp in to dealer.
Took a few seconds to line up the pins from the module with pins on the board of the amp. The longest time was spent unscrewing and rescrewing the cover of the amp.

First impressions are really good. Sounds a bit meatier using USB cable rather than the s/pdif cables I normally use.
Maybe that’s because I’m going straight from Roon server directly to amp, and there is no longer an 851N streamer in between Roon server and amp?

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