Option to convert downloaded files [done]

This is super exciting to hear. Thanks for the update Michael.

Even though you have announced upcoming support for my most wanted Roon ARC enhancement please forgive me if I get a bit cheeky and high;ignition one other feature request here because, at least for my use case (wanting to be able to download my entire local library to my phone), it is very tight;y coupled to this request.

For those of us who want the compressed download feature because they do want to be able to store large amounts of music on their phone then the other half of that equation, once the space situation is solved by implementing compression, is how does one download potentially hundreds of albums to Roon ARC when right now the only way to do downloads is an album/track/playlist at a time? So, for those of us here who do want to download a large number of albums might I suggest that you switch your votes (presumably no longer needed here) to a feature request that allows more convenient downloading of multiple albums. I would humbly suggest my own feature request from a while back that asks for multi-select, as already seen in the Roon remote apps, to be implemented in Roon ARC so that one can select multiple albums (for instance), or do a select-all, and then apply the download action to the entire selection. You can find that feature request here …

Apologies for what some might consider an off-topic post but I consider these two feature requests so tightly coupled, at least for those of us who do want to download lots of stuff, that it seemed appropriate to put that link here.