Performance Matrix Roon Server

I have my main core on one of 2 machines - Rock NUC7i7BNH with no issues and a Fanless Win10 i7-7700 which also has no issues. Both are fine at DSD 512 (2 channel) but I dont think I have anything multichannel above DSD64 to test with.

The 2011 was just a test to see for myself what it would do. I’ve also run up the same library on Synology 1813+ and iMac i5 late 2013 and MOCK i5-6500 just for the record.Im a hardware guy so I like to mess with this stuff. When I travel I’m running a 15"MBP 2018 i9 32GB and 1TB SSD.

Very nice :+1:

Battery life is rubbish but its a beast performance wise and way overkill for what I really need. The SSD is blindingly fast - over 2500 mb/s

Wheow! What a beast!
I’m running a MBP 2017 i5, very modest but still performs very well as seen in the spread sheet!
Now, i am waiting for the next gen portable DAC (have sold my Hugo and Mojo and AQ DFR)

I always get my macs upsized for ram and CPU if I can afford it…I got 10% off in store and 9% GST back as I bought it will travelling so saved quite a bit. It’s got to last me 5 years as that is my personal write-off period. My 2013 i7 16GB 1TB made it to 5 years before it (but I did pop in a new set of batteries) so not a bad run. I could have gone for the extra SSD to 4TB but that would have more than doubled the cost then some I think. I have yet to do a benchmark on it ho as I’m typically not connected to the network on LAN and thus have yet to do a full library import.

Some further experimentation done, added a Mac Pro (trashcan) 6-core to the spreadsheet. And thanks to @Rune for adding also!
Will need to adjust the spreadsheet, something has happened to the comments on the headline row.

The comments are still there, but now they are on row 2!