Processing speed. Huh?

Makes sense. As I never ran any configuration other than that, I guess RoonOS got slightly more efficient and might have pushed me from visible 99.8 to invisible 100.2 :slight_smile:

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Quickest way to work out the impact of that speed is to divide 100 by the figure showing. So in the OP’s case 100/29.7 = 3.36% of your processor. Barely a dint.

Even at 9-10 when I’m upsampling to DSD128 it is still only using 10% of my processor power.

As @CrystalGipsy have stated, it is only when it gets to 1 to 1.5 that you might find issues.

There was a thread about 12 months ago that explained it much better, but it is probably in the ether somewhere…

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If I play a 16/44.1 track it don’t show either,… but with 24/96 or 24/192Khz tracks it does.
Much more data to proces.

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Generally more taps if using convolution and it’s had one filter made per sample rate. If not the Roon up samples it to match the incoming freq.

Hi Nick,
If you’re really curious as to what’s going on under that hood…
iStat and iStatisica are both 2 very good programs to see what is actually going on with CPU and Ram.

stats is a great free open source alternative too the above, and definitely better the below.

Like everything else seems to be with Apple (I should specify appwise as people will get upset :face_with_raised_eyebrow:) , the Activity Monitor is quite basic and limited.

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Thanks! I shall look at the applications :+1:t2:

For anyone interested, here’s Roon’s CTO on the subject:

(More info in that thread).


I have purchased the iStatistica application, and it shows not really disturbing things with the cpu :wink:

I have Roon put to the test just a few minutes ago. A couple of eq filters (5) a convolution filter and I thought I’ll put in max upsampling as well.

Without upsampling the cpu was running on an average of 14% and with upsampling 17%
In the diagram with 8 ‘cpu’bars two of them were at an 20% and the rest at 10 or lower.

The ‘processing speed’ changed from 27x too 21x

Then it seems that the number of the processing speed not really tells the whole story what’s going on :man_shrugging:t2:

But thanks! :grin:

wow, it’s interesting seeing all these high processing numbers. My i7 always has be less than 1.1 but that’s because I do DSD512 because I can - but I’ve never had an issue with it.

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